Category Archive

It takes a village

Awesome post on constructive communication with family

Dale Mcgowan wrote a great post recently about dealing with disagreements with extended family, and about how it’s not about “win/lose” conversations or proving to anyone that your beliefs are right, but rather working toward common goals: In most cases, the problem isn’t that Grandma is actively preventing you from parenting the way you want—it’s […]

The position of aunty is a defense position

I am still adjusting to my new role as an aunty, especially as I have no little ones of my own (yet). While I thought it would all be about occasional nappy changing, Chrissie presents and backyard cricket it turns out it’s just as much taking care of the grown-ups as the little ones.

How I want to avoid mommy martyrdom

Last week, I asked offbeat mamas via Facebook & Twitter: “What steps do YOU take to help you avoid mama martyrdom?” I got some great responses, which helped me clarify the issue for myself. It basically boils down to this: I do not want to have a monogamous relationship with my son. I’ve read a […]