Category Archive

It takes a village

My gay best friend is the greatest “Gunkle” you’ll ever meet

I am eternally grateful that at the time of my greatest need in life, the universe delivered me a red-haired, freckled, go-go dancing guy with fabulous hair and blue sparkly sneakers to love me and my boy.

A doula’s advice: the dos and don’ts of visiting friends after they have a baby

I know how exciting new babies are. I know how much people want to see and smell them when they are brand new. I also know that being a good friend to new parents means taking the utmost care with a new and very delicate situation. As a postpartum doula, I’m here to tell you how you can be a good friend while you visit new babies and their parents.

My husband was a sperm donor: perspective from the partner of a bio-dad

Anyone who has friends in same-sex relationships knows about how much weight is given to biological parents here in the US … I don’t know exactly how this has worked out so well, but I think it’s because we all care about each other.

My son and his (four!) fairy godparents

What began as my own desire for Escher’s education turned into four people who were honored and utterly enthusiastic about being in his life.

Raising an infant in a multi-person household

Mamacita and her husband share a house with their baby, three other adults, and a variety of animals, and this kind of village works for them!

Learning to co-parent with an onbeat ex

Amy and her more Onbeat ex-husband haven’t always seen eye to eye (to put it mildly) when it came to raising their daughter, but the two now work as a team (along with their respective partners).

The family that forgot to create a village

Deanna and her family travel around every few years, and they like it this way. In fact, they prefer it over any village that they could have made.

How to be a supportive offbeat auntie/uncle

“What are some ways that new offbeat aunties and uncles can help out their friends who are having kids? I am very excited about being an auntie and helping out, but not having any kids myself and no younger siblings, I’m a little at a loss at what to do…”