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Pop Culture

Celebrate the return of Arrested Development with Bluth Cornballs!

As someone who was counting down the days till Netflix brought back Arrested Development, you can imagine my excitement when this photo of Homie Sarah Swingset‘s Bluth Cornballs appeared in our Flickr pool.

Lord of the Rings cable reel table

Cheryl Hellcat’s grandpa turned a cable reel into a table. Then Cheryl turned the the cable reel table into a Lord of the Ring fan’s dream piece of furniture.

5 ways to make fandom happen on the cheap

My husband and I are both nerdy. Between the two of us, our nerdy obsession list is quite long. Unfortunately, when you combine all the orgasmic merch available for each of these fandoms with our limited disposable income, you create a perfect storm for massive credit card debt. In order to practice self-restraint, these are the five tactics that we’ve come up with to protect our checking account as we grow our nerdy collections…

My Star Wars, Doctor Who, Harry Potter rainbow living room

What I like best about my living room is that it is MINE. No one else I know has a Star Wars, Doctor Who, Harry Potter rainbow living room! Here’s how I turned my boring living space into a family-friendly living room straight out of a nerd’s fever dream.

Throw this Doctor Who wibbly wobbly timey changey party

My birthday party always falls on the same weekend as the time change, so I thought it would be fun to host a time-travel party. My guests were asked to dress as someone from their favorite era (early 21st century attire was totally fine) or as their favorite Doctor Who Character. I dressed like a Dalek.

Here’s how I threw an awesome Doctor Who-themed birthday party with Whovian decor, favors, and food!

Let’s celebrate the return of Game of Thrones with themed home goods!

I know we have a lot of TV-loving Homies. Last time I geeked out about the return of Doctor Who, I did a Doctor Who-themed roundup, and y’all loved it! This time… you know what’s coming… WINTER IS COMING! With the return of Game of Thrones.

Golden Girls cross-stitch

I LOVE seeing new stuff when it pops up in the Offbeat Home Flickr pool. (Ahem, have YOU been submitting?) And our latest photo addition is one of the best things I’ve ever seen to come out of the crafting world: Viva la Frida’s Golden Girls cross stitch.

Throw this party: Doctor Who-themed Bat Mitzvah

Over on Offbeat Families, reader Reva posed this question: “My daughter is planning her Bat Mitzvah and REALLY wants it to be Doctor Who-themed… but we have no idea how to pull this off. If your readers have ANY ideas, solutions, or schemes… we’d love to hear them!” Oh Reva, you came to the right place.