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Our homes are made up of lots of working parts — bedrooms, redecorated kitchens, upgraded baths, ogle-worthy renos, ticks and tricks for cleaning and organizing, and real home tours all live here to represent the spaces of your Offbeat Home.

Big design in little teeny houses: the I AM GIANT challenge

Blogger Emily Henderson is orchestrating the I AM A GIANT blog challenge, something I have to support because of its gross use of all-caps. The gist is that all participants are decorating doll houses, and there’s some pretty incredible stuff going on…

We love sleeping in a closet: Elizabeth and Derek’s home tour

“Our space is great. There aren’t really many challenges with the structure of it.” Says the girl who built a bed in a closet. That’s just the first reason you’ll love this home tour.

Tricked out triceratops: rocking your houseplants with a $6 dinosaur

We said a quick goodbye, but the “squealing” sound he made when I cut into him with my Dremel will haunt my dreams. Sorry, dude, but I think it was for the greater good.

Needles, teeth, and photos of dead people: the macabre home of Emilia

Emilia has this organically creepy home, and it’s right up my alley: all bones, x-rays, and glass containers. Turns out deep down I just want to live in a natural history museum. This is a total fantasy home for me.

Halloween Montage: Skulls, pumpkins, spider webs & Vincent Price is in your shower

Happy Halloween, Homies! Let’s get the Home Halloween week going with a look at the creepiest photos from the Offbeat Home Flickr pool and things we’ve pinned via the Offbeat Home Pinterest account.

Building a better — and humane — mousetrap

It’s what designers and engineers joke about — some dude invented the mousetrap as we know it in 1897, and it’s continued to weather the slings and arrows of new inventions for more than 100 years.

Now, designer Onedown might be giving The Little Nipper a run for its money.

Un-bedside tables for easy book storage and access

Right now my bedside table is an upended suitcase — a failed attempt to turn it into a cat bed. No storage, and not pretty. To solve my problem, I’ve been fantasy shopping for an un-bedside table. As I see it, here are my options.

Non-permanant home security system for apartment-dwellers

I had one of those spooky nights last week — one where I had too many scary thoughts and every noise was a serial killer or a monster coming for me.

Irrational fears aside, it made me realize I haven’t taken any security precautions in my flat. I’ve lived here for a while, but whatever I do still needs to be non-permanent.

What can I do to keep my mind calm and my body safe?