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Our homes are made up of lots of working parts — bedrooms, redecorated kitchens, upgraded baths, ogle-worthy renos, ticks and tricks for cleaning and organizing, and real home tours all live here to represent the spaces of your Offbeat Home.

How to moth-proof your yarn collection AND kept it pretty

My yarn stash was sitting in wicker baskets or boxes on the floor. Why not just lay out a moth banquet? So, I decided to see this is an opportunity to re-do the “knitting corner” in my living room.

So here some of my anti moths in yarn techniques…

Use a spoon as a plant marker AND alleviate stress at the same time

If you want to use old spoons as garden markers, just follow these three steps.

Bright pillows, peacocks, and playtime on this very summer deck

I know it’s the Fourth of July for our US Homies, and a lot of y’all are outside — grilling things, drinking drinks, and exploding stuff. So in honor of this most summer-y of days, I bring you allaboutevelyn‘s very summery deck decor, with pillows, peacocks, and playtime.

Ephemeral walls: No-damage decor to make your walls less boring

Living in a dorm room, renting with rules against nails and paint, or just a plain old small, boxy, white walled living spaces? What is a person to do in such boring living spaces (and with very little money to decorate)? Well. I welcome you now to Pinterest — land of wishful thinking and endless creative ideas. Here’s a plethora of inspiration to get you thinking, including Post-It Note decorating, the wonder of fabric, and things you might not have thought to do with your photographs.

Learn how to make your own homemade rainbow cake

April of April Knits, Cooks and Reads made her own layered rainbow wedding cake and posted a great tutorial on her blog including her cake recipe, how she colored the layers, and the assembly. She was able to make the layers about a week ahead of time and freeze them before assembling and icing the whole shebang.

Use nail polish to color code your keys

Take any nail polish, apply two coats, and you’re done. That’s how easy this DIY project is. Remove with nail polish remover, and you can start all over with new colors.

Monday Moment: vintage radio-infused color makes me want to dance

The moments in your home don’t have to be a large area (a la my living room moment or Caroline’s vanity). They can be just a small grouping of objects that, when placed together, make each object even more special.

Awesome decorative dog kennels and stylish pet beds

My husband and I have two rather large (a pit bull and a bull terrier) and rather old dogs. How on earth do I give the dogs their “comfy spots” without making it look like the living room revolves around pets, not people?