From EW to OOH LA LA!: Bishop’s chair makeover
Another week, another amazing chair makeover. What is with you talented guys!? Though, I will say that I think this chair makeover wins the Offbeat Home “zombie award” for bringing such an old, broken, ugly chair back from the dead with SUCH amazing style!
Edit songs yourself to be karaoke party-friendly
If you’re the at-home karaoke party type then you KNOW you want to get the how-to’s, to rid yourself of those awkward solos moments, over on Offbeat Bride.
But I don’t cook meth: overcoming my own “trailer trash” misconceptions
We were scrambling to get out of the nest, but didn’t know where to start. So we developed three requirements for our future home, and somehow a trailer fit them all. Now I just needed to get over my “trailer trash” stigma to be able to enjoy my new home.
Puerto Rico’s unobtainable bathtubs
Last month I took a press trip to Puerto Rico to tour destination wedding and honeymoon venues (full Offbeat Bride post coming in a couple days!). It was a lovely trip, but I was keenly aware that many of the venues we were touring were TOTALLY out of range for 99% of my readership. We’re talking $3000/night hotel rooms, $15,000 ballrooms, etc.
Rather than get frustrated, I decided I would start taking photos of some of these lovely venues’ beautiful bathtubs so that we could all admire and be inspired. Most of these tubs are not in places most of us can afford, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t amazing!
Monday Moment: fashion and art collide in a hair salon
I love this moment set up in the entrance to Sirens Salon in Los Angeles (the place were I get my hairs did).
Great idea of the day: Turn regular twigs into whimsical dancing sticks for your garden
David and Marji are the brilliant minds behind Ashbee Design and my new favorite things ever: these magical red dancing sticks made from little more than string, a single screw eye, and sticks you can collect from your backyard.
Blank canvas = cheap custom home decor
Dreaming of a fabulous custom home decor, but don’t really have the funds? For the price of a roll of canvas fabric and paint supplies you could have your own custom headboard and curtains… in ANY sizes you want.
Let’s dream about sleeping porches
The last time I was over at my mom’s property, she was mentioning all the different places on her property where her and her partner like to sleep. They’ve set up beds on just about every deck, porch, and patio surface they could find. Now that it’s finally summer, I say ‘TIS THE SEASON for this kind of sleeping around. So let’s dream about some sleeping porches — and even one sleeping balcony, for those of us in the city.