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Our homes are made up of lots of working parts — bedrooms, redecorated kitchens, upgraded baths, ogle-worthy renos, ticks and tricks for cleaning and organizing, and real home tours all live here to represent the spaces of your Offbeat Home.

Does your home decor need more bite? Put a shark on it!

As many of you know, my husband was attacked by a shark a few years ago, so we have been gifted TONS of shark stuff. It’s gotten to the point where we have had to put a ban on shark home goods. But that doesn’t mean I can’t virtually shop for shark-tastic home finds. Dun dun, dun dun, dundundundundundun…

Make your own an industrial jewelry stand for $10

Remember Heron from her DC rowhouse tour? Well, here’s her $10 DIY solution for keeping jewelry organized… and a cute kitty photo bomb.

Use slatboard to store your Nerf guns

It wasn’t until I saw this father and son-designed Nerf gun display using the Jifram Easy Living slatwall kit that I REALLY realized how cool this shit is AND finally came up with the solution to my Nerf-guns-and-ammo-scattered-about-the-apartment problem.

Want to spice up your retro 1960s house? Put a bowling alley in the basement and fun will come to you

You know how you make a mostly boring house TOTALLY FASCINATING? Put a bowling alley in downstairs. That’s right: there’s a fucking bowling alley in the basement. Who’s moving in?

Doing your laundry with a Japanese Hillbilly twist

You know, our grand-parents and great grandparents didn’t necessarily have high efficiency washers and dryers. They had time, the sun, the wind, and Borax. So, taking a few pages from their books, I came up with my brilliant new laundry plan that, believe it or not, will only end up costing me $30 a year.

Colors and patterns like WHOA on this DIYed, Bohemian-style dresser

Check out this fucking brilliant before and after highboy dresser action from mollykb. Quite the dramatic change, no? This makeover says I’ll see your “fresh paint” upgrade and double down on some patterns and funky knobs. Thankfully she explained how she accomplished this Bohemian dresser look.

Turn your hallway into an office

I love the idea of getting more out of the spaces in your home that are generally overlooked. If you have a fairly wide hallway, you could use that space to do double-duty as a small office.

We sold everything and moved to Indonesia!

One day I was at work and I got a text message from my partner that said something like, “Let’s move to Indonesia and get jobs as teachers!” And I was like, “Riiight, okay, right after we hit the lottery. Nice dreaming, though.” Four months later, we were living and working in Jakarta!