Category Archive


This is our category dedicated to eating, cooking, baking, and feeding.

Bite into this gluten-free, red velvet shark cake

Summer is a great time for shark-centric entertaining! Jaws airs every July 4th week, and in 2013, August 4th marks the return of The Discovery Channel’s popular Shark Week. If you’re celebrating in honor of these fascinating underwater creatures, here’s how to make a 3-D shark cake.

Fantastic, Megan-simple, five-ingredient guaco tacos

These Guacamole Tacos are so simple, delicious, vegan, and full of rich, velvety avocado and sweet corn that I just had to share with all the Offbeat Homies! Plus they can be made with just five ingredients — or you can top them with as many things as you’d like!

Salsa hack: Frozen nuggets of awesome

If you’re like me, your mind probably conjures awesome meals you want to make at pretty much exactly the same time you want to be eating them. Which doesn’t leave much time for prepping, cooking, and assembling it before you hulk out and get all Hangry — that special brand of hunger-angry. However, my partner and I have devised a method to ease at least one aspect of meal preparation — a food-hack for fast and perfectly seasoned salsa or guacamole.

Meal Planning to save money, time, and cut back on take-out

My husband and I realized we had a bit of an addiction to convenience food and take-out, and it was costing us more than we were happy about. I did what any reasonable woman of the world with an internet connection would do and I went to Pinterest. After a couple different meal planning experiments, I’ve found a way to kick our take-out addiction!

Make your own tasty treats for your cat friends

Because I am a perfectly sane, really hip, non cat-hoarding, cat lady in training, and because I love everything Joy The Baker puts out… I decided to make my own cat treats. So if you’re a cat lady in training like me, or you’ve got some friends with cute cat kids, make em’ some treats!

How do you pull off an awesome low-budget, gluten-free, soy-free, worry-free birthday party?

I feel like my husband deserves to have a wonderful birthday, where he doesn’t have to give a damn about worrying about what’s in his food. I figured if anyone would know about throwing a party for a nerd with dietary constrictions on a budget, the Offbeat Homies would know. So how do you pull off an awesome low-budget, gluten-free, soy-free, worry-free birthday party?

Heart-healthy food that’s REALLY easy?

I’ve recently been diagnosed with heart disease. I’m only 21 and in college. So I need to go from a “what can I grab and go?” fast food diet to a heart healthy diet asap. My partner is all for eating healthier, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are both short on cooking time. Are there any quick/easy meals or tips on how to have a heart healthy diet on the go?

Passport Dinners: how our family travels the world from our dinner table

I like to think that our experiences with the Passport Dinners have helped them develop their curiosity towards the world around them. We talk about why people eat different things in different parts of the world. They know that hearty stews with root vegetables were common in Russian and Czech dishes because of the climate, and that bananas and plantains feature more prominently in Cuba and Jamaica for the same reason. They know that lychee jelly — an ingredient that was strange and unpleasant for them — is as common for natives of Malaysia as grape jelly is for Americans.