A while back, Stephanie made a night light round-up post on Offbeat Mama. You know what? Grown ups use night lights, too. I never shop for night lights — I only stumble across them and they always look sooooo dummmmb. But I’m tired of the Slimer green ghost-light in my hall at night, so it’s time to shop. Good thing Etsy and Amazon are on standby.

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I have fond memories of long-gone night lights I wish I still had, but one of these guys might end up lighting up our walkways. Have a favorite light of your own? Leave a link in the comments!
I love my salt rock lamp as a night light in the living room. It gives off a warm cozy glow, and it supposedly does something with the ions in the air that is healthy.
DUDE! “supposedly does something with the ions in the air that is healthy.”
Okay, bonus! This cool-lookin’ rock light thing is cool.
I have been craving this guy: http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/18790 forever!
I have a thrifted fake-gold-frame Last Supper print with a built-in fixture for a dusty, old-school Christmas tree light. One Ikea chandelier CFL and one motion sensor switch later, I have the world’s least classy automatic night light.
We have a string of white LED lights in our bathroom, it’s nice to take a bath in the dim light and they hardly use any power. plus they help the kittens see the way to their litterbox. 🙂
Ikea has ones similar to the little creatures. http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/30150984 I bought a ghost years ago for my friend’s daughter. Now they look more like kitties, but they’re still super, duper cute. My dude just uses the oven light since his house is really dark, the oven is between his bedroom and his bathroom, and I’m the only one who can’t see in the dark. My house, thankfully, has more ambient light.
For the nerds among us:
Blue Canary Night Light
It’s on my registry. 🙂
I can attest–it is the best nite light ever. We have ours in an outlet next to a light switch! 🙂
I was just going to post the Think Geek link for this very night light! 😀
Totally off topic, but I was so excited to see that owl hot air balloon in the photo nightlight. I see that balloon at our Balloon Fiesta every year 🙂
OH. It looked like a creepy griining face with a pointy nose. I see the owl now.
I might just get those solar sun jars for my balcony garden! Of course, they may get stolen..meh..
I’ve been meaning to get (and make) this DIY night light for awhile now– it’s 8.50 only, and you stick your own (or your kids’) artwork in it! http://www.spoonsisters.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=61001 I actually really love this site for it’s affordable fun house/gift stuff..
You can make the sun jars here: http://www.notmartha.org/tomake/homemadesunjar/ Target sells the solar lamps for $2-$4 and you can get the glass jar from a kitchen store for less than $5.
twilight turtle… it’s totally for kids, but i can’t sleep without it!
it projects stars on the ceiling (either blue, green, or amber… the amber is the dimmest, and my fav…) and shuts off automatically after 45 min…
AND, for nerds like me, there are 8 different constellations that are projected… so cool 😀
they also make a ladybug and a sea turtle too!
sure beats putting those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling… which i spent HOURS back in high school covering my entire ceiling… yeah, i’ve always been afraid of the dark 😛
Here’s my new night light: http://annabelvita.com/finally-a-rabbit-night-light-to-call-my-own – it’s a mini version of that rabbit one that was all over the kids design blogs last year.
oh sorry, and i forgot about my awesome lightsaber night lights!!! i have one on each side of my bed…
after we had a fight about Christmas and I told him it really means something to me for him to buy me a present and he was upset it was all about gimme gimme, he went downtown and found me a great present: a new night light since I broke the last one by having it plugged in on the wall the bed was against. (it was probably a fire hazard there anyway). It looks like this http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=fairy+night+light&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=7CK&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1285&bih=555&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5475496044865173523&sa=X&ei=oa9RTs_BNKbm0QHT3ZyABw&ved=0CMMBEPMCMAg
and three years later, it still helps me feel safe at night.
Good read. The night light with the log design seems pretty amazing. Thanks for sharing.