The midwife-assisted “home birth” of Georgia June (in photos)

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My photo biz partner Ashley recently had the chance to shoot the birth of the daughter of two of our very favorite people. Natasha and Paul’s birth experience was pretty unique for two people in the state of Alabama, and they actually had to travel to Tennessee to have it.

Alabama’s a little tricky — it’s not illegal to be a midwife here (there are eleven nurse-midwife practices and forty-three Certified Nurse-Midwives in the state), but it’s illegal to have a licensed midwife attend a home birth. Since a home birth is what Natasha and Paul wanted, they journeyed to Blessed Care in Fayetteville, TN, to do it.


Ashley received a phone call at three in the morning from Paul letting her know Natasha had arrived and was in labor — so she got to witness the beginnings of the day as well:



Says Ashley, “When I got there, I asked where Natasha and Paul were — everyone pointed to the back bedroom. I quietly walked in to find them in the tub with Arcade Fire playing softly in the background. Natasha quietly started crying and the midwife, Linda, asked if she was ok. She replied, ‘I’m ok. I’m just so happy right now.’ Everyone turned to each other with tears in their eyes, and I knew this day was destined to be a great one.”




Ashley spent over ten hours with the couple and the team of midwives, along with Natasha’s mother and sister.




Georgia June was born on February 23, 2011, at 12:41pm — over twelves hours after Natasha and Paul arrived at their midwife’s practice.




“The moment she opened her eyes everyone in the room melted. Sniffles were heard all around as Natasha and Paul held their daughter for the first time. As soon as Natasha said ‘Hi, baby’ Georgia lit up and smiled and cooed right back at her.”


If so inclined, you can most definitely see more of the photos at the White Rabbit Studios blog.

Comments on The midwife-assisted “home birth” of Georgia June (in photos)

  1. that is so what i want for the birth of my next child! i love especially the third picture – so much quiet tenderness going on there.
    as someone writing from germany i do frown upon americam law – why on earth should a midwife-assisted home birth be illegal?! over here the law says, that a midwife must be present at every birth (wherever). the presence of a doctor is not mandatory.
    it seems so ridiculous that a couple has to change states to get the birth they want!

  2. This brought tears to my eyes, too. My daughter was born in that same room–our pictures are still on the wall. What a flood of memories!

    Natasha, I am SO proud of you, and I’m so grateful for Linda for making a beautiful, peaceful birth a possibility for us. Georgia is a lucky girl!


  3. Beautiful – makes me so excited for the possibility of having a homebirth this June.

    Is there any way to get more information on the “Calm after Storm” poem and image? That is something I’d love to have around for myself.

  4. I love the picture of Georgia being weighed, it looks so much more comfortable than being placed on a cold scale in hospital. A much nicer welcome to the world!

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