Every couple of months, I do a “Book Optional Club.” The thing is, no one ever reads the books. It’s really just an opportunity to get together and eat and visit.
Being a little obsessive, I like a themed party to match the books. The book for this Book Optional Club party was Eating the Dinosaur, by Chuck Klosterman. So I bought some dinosaur chocolate molds and cookie cutters from Amazon and got to work arranging the party…

The party guests described this event as “everything was Foodasaurus Rex and delicious.” Successful dino-themed Book Optional Club party, I’d say.
We love Siobhan’s “Book Optional Club” party idea so much that we’ve asked her to feature more of them. Keep your eye out for more book-themed parties in the future!
Here’s the link for the cheesecake cupcakes recipe
I had a Jurassic Park movie party in my yard and served dino-shaped rice krispies (dyed green and cut with cookie cutters), dinos in the dirt (like worms in the dirt) and a dino-shaped watermelon bowl. I wish I had thought of using cookie cutters on fruit slices, though–BRILLIANT! I still have my dino cutter so perhaps next time.
Tip: dollar stores are great to get toy dinos (which I used in my “dirt”) for cheap.
Looks like a fun party! The dino theme seems like a great idea 🙂
Love that you call it the “Book Optional Club”! My friends and I do something similar, and call it Wine Wedensdays, but Book Optional would absolutely be more appropriate. Love the theme!
Agreed! “Book optional club” is one of my new favorite things.
Dude, I freaking love Dinonuggets! I always wanted to buy them but felt embarrassed. Then, when I was dating my now husband, I saw he bought them, and I said “We must eat these for dinner tonight!” And I loved them. I totally play with them too. I walk them around the plate and make them rawr! And then they get stuck in the catchup tar pit, then I have to put them out of their misery, of course.
I’m normally a health food junkie but those nuggets are the best!