Homie MetalMaggie uploaded pics of her mustache-themed bathroom to our Flickr pool along with a special step-by-step instruction on how to make her nifty ‘stache frames. I was also thrilled to see some of our “great ideas” in action!
For example, she has a gorgeous blue mistique orchid on the vanity, with it’s own teapot to water it. I also spy a Jack Daniels soap dispenser?
But there’s so much more! Mustaches holding towels, ‘stache boxes, and special “how to” instructions on how to make MetalMaggie’s DIY ‘stache frames…
The orchid is surrounded by mustache candles from Earthbound Trading Co.
MetalMaggie even decorated her mirror with ‘stache decor from a craft store. Do I spy an awesome shower curtain in the reflection?

This week's photos feature an cat who's a critic, a house with movable walls, and just WAIT till you see the LED coffee table.
Of course! The perfect shower curtain for this themed bathroom is Kikkerland’s The Gentleman’s Shower Curtain.
Metal Maggie notes that while “the stripes look menacing, in real life they are quite nice.”
How perfect is this cast-iron mustache towel holder!?
Digging the “my ‘stache” box that holds mustache bandages.
The walls are decorated with Rorschach test art that looks like mustaches.
The other awesome wall art is these ‘stache frames made by MetalMaggie herself. Here’s how she made them…
What you will need:
- ‘Stache duct tape
- Frame (Neil Pert picture a plus)
- Fake mustaches
Step 1
Take out the glass and cardboard and use the frame backing as the base. I used the duck tape to make a ‘stache-a-licious background.
Step 2
I measured and cut names out of each ‘stache style. Then taped/glued names and furry ‘staches onto backing and put the frame on.
Step 3
I secured the backing (since no glass or cardboard are present) by cutting some cardboard and sticking it behind the clasps.
I’m telling you, I’m a HUGE fan of themed bathrooms. Wanna show yours off too? Upload photos of it to our Flickr pool!
i love it, it’s classic and classy and fun, all at once!
I love this theme!
I have a couple packs of fake ‘staches, so I’m seriously considering making a ‘stache frame.
That the towel holder exists AND I can purchase it just made my day.
I hope y’all do these frames, I loved doing them, and get cool compliments from guests 🙂
What an awesome bathroom theme! I’ve never thought of a mustache bathroom, but it fits so perfectly! love love love.