A mother and son celebrate 10 years of Harry Potter love

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How fucking adorable is this?!

Kim and her son, loving some Harry Potter.

My friend Kim and her son, E, have been long-time Harry Potter fans — as the photo above will attest. They went to the only place in town who still has a cloud backdrop and recreated a photo to mark the beginning, and end (although does it ever really end? , of their HP madness.

Have you and your kid(s) bonded over a character or series?

Comments on A mother and son celebrate 10 years of Harry Potter love

  1. Thanks! And can I tell you, I was SHOCKED that I even found ONE place that still had that backdrop. When they rolled it out the mechanism jammed b/c it hadn’t been used in so long it was all corroded. HA!

  2. Love this! But I’m surprised clouds are no longer fashionable! I must be behind the times… what’s the IT thing in backdrops these days?

  3. Ahhh this is amazing! I’m sure people tell you this all the time but you look like his sister, hot momma! And your son is one handsome guy.

  4. This is the awesomest family portrait I have ever seen. It’s also pretty amazing that you haven’t aged a day since the first photo was taken!

  5. that is so cool!!! i’m having a hard time not feeling sad about tonight. ::sigh:: i already went through the 5 stages of grieving when i finished the last book, now i have to start over. LOVE mama’s shirt by the way! (E’s too!)

  6. This photo is FANTASTIC. The kid’s face is priceless in the second photo. I haven’t bonded over a character with my kid yet (he’s just turned two) but I totally bonded with my own mama when I was growing up over the Mennyms series. Its a series about a family of life size rag dolls that have come alive and live in a house together in England. It is super fab and I cannot wait until my kids are old enough to bond with me over them! If anyone is looking for a series to share with their 5 to 10 year olds I highly recommend it!

  7. My mom and I bonded mostly over The Little House series, with her getting me the next book in the series every year for Christmas and my birthday, which are roughly at opposite points of the year. We’ve also both read all the Harry Potter books, with my sister getting mad if my Mom got to the next book before she’d finished with it. We’ve always been the family that gave books to the cousins every year. Even now, there are more books in my apartment than any other single type of thing.

  8. This made me tear up. So, so sweet!!! I can only hope that my kids and I will be able to bond like this over another excellent series when they’re older.

    Also, how did this mom manage not to age a day in a whole decade?

  9. I know this was posted almost a year ago, but it doesn’t change how amazing it is!!
    I actually read (out loud) all the HP books to my fiance (yes, doing voices & everything) & we finished when the last movie was in the theaters.
    I only hope to bond so incredibly over something (be it rereading the series or something completely new) when we eventually have a child!

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