Happy Canada Day from Offbeat Home & Life!

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Caroline, your Assistant Editor and Offbeat Canuck here, wishing everyone a Happy Canada Day! I took that photo on Parliament Hill while the Barenaked Ladies played. Pretty Canadian combination, eh?

Did you know we have an entire tag archive for the great white north? Grab a spot on the chesterfield, put on some Tragically Hip, hold your maple syrup sceptre high, and take a look:

Check out a home tour in Nunavut!

Photo from our last canoe trip.
Itching to head to Algonquin or the Interior? Plan a canoe trip!

Read about summers spent in a cabin in Québec! Et joyeuse fête nationale (en retard) à tous les Québécois!

BBQs? Street festivals? Outdoor concerts? Fireworks? What are your Canada Day plans?

Comments on Happy Canada Day from Offbeat Home & Life!

  1. Happy Canada Day! I can’t wait to relocate there to live this day of celebrations next year. And try out that plan-canoe-trip-advice that’s been enticing me ever since it was published.

  2. Happy Canada Day! I grew up in Southern Alberta, but I’m currently living in the States. I’ve been so bummed that I’m missing out on all the celebrations back home. This post is perfect! I’m off to stalk that Canada tag now…

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