Tired of pumpkin yet? Pumpkin isn’t tired of YOU. It never tires of you. It loves you. And when you see these unusual pumpkin recipes, you may change your tune and return that love. OR maybe you’re still totally ready for pumpkin to find its place in your menu, in which case, scroll for the goods.
We’ve got savory pumpkin dishes, pumpkin sweets that totally aren’t your usual pumpkin pie, and even a little treat for the pooch in your life. Because y’all KNOW puppies love pumpkin.
So grab a can of pumpkin puree or a whole pumpkin if you’re feeling Martha Stewart-ish today, and tell us how the cooking goes…

And something for the pups!

I haven’t tried any of these recipes before, but I did once try a pumpkin sauce for a pasta and my husband and I agreed it was so awful it was truly inedible. So I’m a bit skeptical of these options, but maybe one more try wouldn’t hurt…