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The big list of spring break trip packing essentials

The BIG list of spring break trip packing essentials

It’s the end of winter and we’re all dragging our asses trying to get through to spring break (or summer or fall or whenever you finally get that week to yourself!). If you’re planning that family trip, couples’ trip, girls’ trip, or solo adventure, this is the spring break trip packing essentials list you’ll need. From a good carry-on weekender to toiletries to packing your luggage well, bookmark this baby for later.

Then you can move on dreaming about how many beach naps you’ll get in. Or how many museums you’ll see. Or how many hiking adventures you’ll take. Or how many carbs you’ll devour. Le sigh.

How travel gave me perspective on our media consumption (& the break I needed!)

Traveling gave me perspective on our media consumption (& the break I needed!)

It’s fun to travel outside of your own country, and sometimes it puts you in a whole new mindset when it comes to where you live, how you live, and how you consume information and media. We heard from photographer Casey Hendrickson after her trip to Italy, France, and England.

She shared with us some GORGEOUS photos and also a little wisdom on maintaining perspective on the current state of life in the U.S. and knowing when to take a step back for self-care purposes…

Adventure vs. settling down: can we make it work when I want to roam and he wants to stay home?

Adventure vs. settling down: can we make it work when I want to roam and he wants to stay home?

My husband and I spent our 20s working short term contracts all over the country. For me every day was an adventure, but it turned out the itinerant life made my husband miserable, so we settled down. But now I’m miserable. The thing is, I still love my husband. We still make each other laugh until neither of us can move. We still have sex. But the quiet life isn’t for me.

So what do we do? Is it possible to be happily married to someone who doesn’t share your life goals? Or do I divorce my best friend?

Extended stay hotel hacks to make your room feel more like home

Because of my husband’s job we spend a lot of time living for months out of hotels. We’ve “lived” in Vancouver and Morocco and now we’re in Atlanta. Over time I’ve figured out a few hotel hacks for making your hotel feel more like your home. I’ve started to do a lot of things differently when I travel (which I’ll get to), but so far my biggest tip is this one…

Distance is only physical: How to make the most of your out-of-state family members

No matter who is a part of your valued clan, they are likely people who mean something to you and with whom you enjoy spending time in one way or another. So what do you do when they are spread out over the coast, country, or even world? I’m here to tell you how to make the most of this common situation…

Dealing with vacation anxiety (yes, it's a thing!)

Guilt, comfort zones, and buffer days: Dealing with vacation anxiety (yes, it’s a thing!)

I’m going on vacation! I booked a real, non-weekend-only trip where I’ll fly outside of the United States for the first time in 16 years. I’m so excited and grateful. But on top of that gratefulness and excitement is a bit of anxiety. I know, I know, get over myself and embrace the vacay. I plan to, but I still need to deal with a few latent fears and anxieties that I know some of y’all are also feeling about vacation.

Here’s how I’ll be handling vacation anxiety…

Catch flights, not feels: travel tips to save money

7 travel tips to save money that will finally get you adventuring

Like many of us, I love to travel and don’t do it nearly as often as I’d like. For most of us with a regular job, a family, a busy life, and not enough money, travel can seem pretty out of reach. But if you’ve decided to make traveling a priority in your life (which is the trick!), these are the travel tips to save money that can help you get there.

Sick sad geeky world: How to avoid con crud

Sick sad geeky world: How to avoid con crud (aka nerd flu!)

As I start my work week post-pop culture convention (this time around C2E2 in Chicago!), I reminisce about meeting Evanna Lynch, touching base with some of my faves in Artist Alley, meeting up with a friend dressed as Negan (bat with torn scalp included), and start to feel that familiar throat tingle of an impending cold. Yep, it’s “con crud.”

Here’s how to avoid it…