How I’ve managed to work from home since my son stopped napping
Once upon a time I was able to work from home while my son peacefully napped once, maybe even twice, a day. Those days are gone and in their place I have days filled with NON-STOP KID ENERGY and little time for anything else.
Where can I find nice clothes for my big baby?
I have always had a hard time finding clothes to fit him right. He has always been in double the age size at least for his age. He’s got amazingly chunky legs and the poor boy has been in sweat pants for such a long time.
Going up against Mother Goose: a new take on nursery rhymes
Whether you’re into the cool, hip children’s books like Goodnight iPad or you’re a fan of the classics like Goodnight Moon, one lady will likely be unavoidable in your child’s literary rearing: Mother Goose. She’s gifted at showers, she’s at preschool, she’s at friends’ houses… and if you ask me, she’s got issues.
Insecure about your parenting? We’ve all been there
To the casual observer, the Parenting SPY is just the guy making a deposit at the bank or the old lady weighing melons in the store or this very woman staring at me in the waiting room. Sitting next to me in her judgmental crocs trying to figure out if I’m a good parent.
Pushba’s son turns 1 with the most awesome birthday cake I’ve ever seen
Generally when you think of a kid’s birthday cake topper you probably imagine a number candle or some kind of toy the kid is into, right? Well… what about putting a baby on it?
How will having a second child change our first?
We are adding a second child to the family in about seven weeks, and so I am thinking more and more about how to help our older child, who will be two years and ten months, adjust. We are trying to talk about the baby in Mommy’s tummy with him and I have read him books about pregnancy and being a big brother. I also prepared a photo album of the first year of his life that he likes to read with us, and I did it in part so that we can show him pictures of him doing the stuff the baby is doing once the baby is here.
Nice for tender feet: let’s chat about soft shoes for babies and toddlers
Every so often I can’t resist the urge to gawk at material cuteness, and right now I am totally in love with little baby and toddler feet wrapped up in Robeez. I (foolishly! FOOLISHLY!) spent my son’s infancy under the impression that it would be silly to put him in shoes. I distinctly remember being told once that he should be in shoes because it was cold out, and I remember looking the person in question in the eye and pointing out that my child had on two layers of socks.
It turns out nurturing your young child may help them regulate stress
I am super intrigued by this article, Nurturing Moms May Boost Children’s Brain Growth. Researchers are positing that children with nurturing mothers may experience brain growth in the hippocampus, the area of the brain that processes memories and helps you deal with stress. So… nurturing mom = mellow kid? We’ll see.