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How to stave off questions about drinking while pregnant

I was at a party. I was pregnant. Someone handed me a half glass of wine, and I drank it. And there it was — the crack of the whip glare. At first I thought I was projecting (my rule was one-ish on a full stomach, with lots of water, to be totally honest) so I turned to the glarer, a friend of mine, who was already a mom.

“You didn’t drink when you were pregnant, did you?”
“No,” her tone was short and sharp.

A creative pregnancy announcement

Charlotte told friends she was pregnant and then filmed their responses. The result? Instant pregnancy announcement genius!

Gift ideas for the pregnant woman in your life

Looking for a gift that your pregnant partner/spouse/sister/cousin/friend/etc. can use WHILE pregnant? Look no further! Here’s a super awesome list of items for just about any budget.

Facing the challenge of having epilepsy and being a parent

Epilepsy and pregnancy are two situations that don’t easily go hand-in-hand. Ashley has been diagnosed with epilepsy for seven years, and recently gave birth to her son, Xavier.

Using acupuncture and herbs to treat morning sickness

As an informed and offbeat consumer, you may want to consider alternative approaches to treating morning sickness. Acupuncture has been used safely and effectively by pregnant women for thousands of years, long before anything resembling Western medical science existed. It is all natural, with no drugs or potentially harmful side effects to threaten your health or that of your baby.

Contemplating non-traditional routes to motherhood

In recent months, ever since I hit the big 2-5, my biological clock has started to tick a little bit louder. It is strange and frankly, it makes me feel a bit icky from time to time.

Learning not to worry during pregnancy

My new doctor, the chill one, was all like, “Why’d you have so many ultrasounds?” when I saw him for the first time. Um, because I’m nuts?