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Where can we score affordable baby furniture that’s not so… khaki?

My wife and I are doing some pre-baby furniture shopping, in the hopes of avoiding a mega-spree of spending all in one expensive rush. We live in a smallish Manhattan apartment, with no room for a full-size crib, so we are pretty drawn to the idea of a co-sleeper — but why are they so… ugly?

Offbeat Mama Reviews: What to Expect When You’re Expecting

Apparently SOMEONE out there thought it’d be an awesome idea to turn What to Expect When You’re Expecting into a film.. and I went to see it. This is heavy on spoilers, and includes what I didn’t like, what I would change, and the part that made me cry.

Do we really need a designated diaper bag?

DIAPER BAGS: UGH. Am I right? Sure, they come in cute patterns and styles, but in general they’re kind of clumsy and only marketed towards moms — do we REALLY need one in the first place?

My kids will have a decade between them and I think that’s awesome

Ten years ago I took a pregnancy test that resulted in two blue lines — those two blue lines. Now I’m getting ready to have my second child and loving that my kiddos will have at least ten years between them.

Did you compromise with your partner on finding out your baby’s sex?

My husband and I are expecting our first child and will be able to find out the sex of the baby soon. I want it to be a surprise, but he hates surprises and is adamantly against the idea of waiting until the birth to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl.

Tips and tricks for throwing a super-fab offbeat baby shower

My husband and I are having our first child this fall, and my mom and mother-in-law really want to throw us a baby shower. I envisioned a tea party with all my aunts (similar to the wedding shower they threw) and I’m just not feelin’ it.

What’s the best way to make your own cloth diapers?

We’re currently expecting our first, and on a bit of a tight budget. My wonderful Mum has offered to make cloth diapers for us, but my diaper pattern research has been confusing as hell! I don’t know the difference between pre-fold and fitted, I don’t know if one-size is best, and I don’t know what to make them from or how to hold them shut.

Sobriety and motherhood: I stopped drinking for my baby

I am a self-admitted alcoholic… or was until I became pregnant. It took impending motherhood to rid me of my alcohol abuse, and I’m so glad it happened.