Category Archive

litter box

7 Tips For Keeping Cats and Dogs in a Tiny House

Whether it’s financial savings or living a more minimalist lifestyle, there are many advantages to living in a tiny house. However some people argue that it is unfair to have cats or dogs in a tiny home, because they won’t have the freedom to roam like they can in a standard-size house. We disagree with […]

My area is going plastic bag free. How do I dispose of this cat poop?

In Australia, our big supermarkets are about to switch to being plastic bag free.

I’m all for this, but I regularly use the bags to dispose of icky kitty litter and was hoping I could get some suggestions as to more environmentally friendly (and hopefully cheap) options?

Did you know that litter box services exist!?

Maybe you’re like me and you’re sick of cleaning litter boxes. Or maybe you have an illness that sucks up all of your energy. (If you have limited spoons, do you really want to use them on cleaning?) Or maybe you’re running a business and raising kids and taking care of your parents and volunteering and you literally don’t have time to clean litter boxes. I’m here to tell you that you have options…

Readying yourself for life with multiple cats (and other pets) in a small space

My fiancé, Derek, and I recently settled down into a cozy little apartment. The first big decision we made in our new home was to open our doors to cats. Our apartment is great, but it’s also pretty cozy (read: small), so we had to make some adjustments to accommodate the new members of our little household. Here’s what we found works for us. Some of this information is cat-specific, but a lot of it applies more broadly to keeping any mix of pets in a small apartment together, like multiple dogs, ferrets, or bunnies…

Human-toilet training my cat

Recently we moved to the country and for a variety of country reasons, I didn’t want our cat Atticus venturing outside (ticks, snakes, disease, wild dogs, backyard chickens, environmental damage). But as Atticus is a poos-outside cat and I like it that way, I wasn’t too keen about cleaning up kitty litter for the rest of my life (sigh). Happily, one of my Facebook friends shared that their cat had done their first poo into the toilet and intrigued, I internet searched how to achieve this. And achieve it we did!

Decorating your home with litter boxes

Believe it or not, but those two storage tables underneath Marilyn are kitty litter boxes. Kinda swanky for a dual poop station, ammaright? I scoured Amazon, our archives, and even our Flickr pool to find the most decorative solutions for kitty litty boxes. So that when you have company come over, they (and you!) don’t have to stare at cat poop. Hell, with some of these products, your guests may not even know they’re looking or even sitting on a cat box.

The pros and cons of cedar kitty litter

About five months ago the hubby and I made a big switch for our fur-babies we had been contemplating for a while: from clay to cedar litter. We have discovered many things in this switch-up, and we would love to share some pros and cons with ya! Hope this helps any of you contemplating a switch to a more natural litter option.

Our nice, unsuspecting entryway cabinet is a secret kitty bathroom

Our house isn’t very big, and the place that makes the most sense to put the litter box is right in the front entryway. Instead of greeting our guests with a box of cat poop, we got this cabinet on Amazon to hide the litter box.