Category Archive

lil kids

Raising tri-cultural children in a world of absoluteness

In a world of categories, how do you inspire your children to break away from categorization and create their own identity? This is a question that I had never thought of before I had children.

Dykes and Tikes on bikes: celebrating Pride with my family

We celebrated Pride weekend in August this year, and it was a hot one. Saturday was the Dyke March, which we tapped into later in the day. I had zero intention of braving a crowd of 650,000 people with a fiercely teething and mobile infant and his fearless three-year-old sister and decided to lay low. Back in my twenties, Pride was about volume. Do more, see more, flirt more, be more queer.

The parent stays in the photo: part two

Yesterday we ran part one of photos featuring you guys and your parents. Since there were so many in the Flickr Pool we figured it made sense to split the posts into two. Without further ado, here’s part two!

Calling all aspiring flappers, Marios, and baby dragons: let’s talk about what your family is going to be for Halloween

Who wants to do some Halloween window shopping?! Even if you already think you know what your various family members are going as this year (please tell me SOMEONE has a family that’s all going as Harry Potter characters), you might be pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming amount of awesome that’s available out there.

My son the cross-dresser

My son is big into tractors. He loves Lego. He builds skyscrapers out of wooden blocks, and then goes all Godzilla on them. He plays in the mud, and looks for bugs, and has a thing for dinosaurs. And on the first day of gan (preschool) last week, my son told me he wanted to wear a dress.

Check out George’s super hip preschooler’s bedroom — think floor bed, world map curtains, and lots of color!

We recently moved into a new home, and welcomed our second child. Making our son’s bedroom a comfortable, fun and safe free-for-all space was really important to me in a time when he was feeling displaced both literally and figuratively.

Folk music for kids by Woody Guthrie, Johnny Cash, and more

Finding music that young kids and adults can agree on can prove to be a challenge — there a lot of albums out there with debatable content (do you REALLY want to hear a group of kids sing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” for the 85 millionth time?). I recently stumbled into a whole treasure trove of folk music for children, including albums by Woody Guthrie and Johnny Cash. So if folk is your thing.. come on down and listen.

My four-year-old is my photography partner in crime

This is a story about having to make the most of every second. It’s also the story of how art is everywhere and made by everyone. Sometimes it takes a special person to come along and see everything as art. Sometimes lack of time forces you to see beauty all around.