Distance? Need? Ability? What makes a person a runner?
I started running reluctantly. I’m a doctor, and everyday I tell people to exercise. After giving people this advice for a month or two, and completely neglecting to engage in any physical activity myself, I started to feel guilty and hypocritical. I made the decision to start running. Both before and after I starting running, people would ask me if I’m a runner. I would smile uncertainly and ponder how to respond. Were they asking because of my body type? Was there something they recognized in my energy that identified me as a runner? Did my two mile runs make me a runner? To me, this barely counted for anything, although I knew that I felt better about myself and my life when I ran.
Letting food consume you: Being careful how we talk about food
Everyday conversations about food usually involve negative phrases that we don’t even think about using. As a baker, my personal pet peeve is any variation of, “I’m going to have to spend an extra thirty minutes on the treadmill after eating this.” I want you to enjoy my baking, not feel guilty over it. I also don’t want you to make me feel guilty for providing you with baked goods or for choosing not to spend an extra thirty minutes on the treadmill.
How to get out of bed
I get it. What others might see as a chronic case of laziness, is actually paralyzing depression. The thought of getting out of bed is like running a marathon, something you want no part of. Today, we’re going to take it easy. Forget about all those thoughts that are slowly crushing you. Today, we’re just going to get out of bed.
Plus size workout clothes that are plus cool
I’d love some help finding plus size exercise clothes that aren’t the same old Boring Black Basics.
I go to the gym and I’m in a roller derby league, and I’d prefer to have something a bit more fun to wear! My shoes and skates are colourful, my headband has a funky pattern, and my yoga mat is adorable… but the only clothing options I’ve found in my size seem to be really bland. Thanks!
How and why endometriosis caused me to voluntarily become a single mother at 22
I know that I am the one who needs to get up with her every time, without exception. I have no one to be angry and resentful towards because they don’t live up to whatever expectations I have put in place for them. I’ll never worry about a custody battle or if her dad will let her get a tattoo after I say no. Doing everything yourself is immeasurably easier when you know that is the case from the start. Sure, there are great men out there and resentment is not always the case — I just prefer the ease of not worrying about maintaining a relationship along with my other responsibilities. A personal choice, for sure, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Moving meditation: Why walking commutes are awesome
I grew up in the Midwest, and my family was typical: we drove everywhere. I accepted that as just the way things were until I went to college. I walked a lot as an undergraduate student, and felt the lifestyle change deeply. When I moved to upstate New York for a new job a year ago, my apartment search revolved around finding a place that would let me walk to work. And honestly, my morning and evening commute has become one of the best parts of my day.
How to track your cycles and chart your fertility without going super insane
So we all agree: Charting is a super, insanely useful way to get really amazingly in touch with your body and your cycles. But if you’re not careful, charting can drive you super insane. When you put a lot of time into something if it doesn’t immediately pay off, it can be emotionally and intellectually devastating. Based on what I learned during my 44 months of charting (…I KNOW), here’s a little guidance on how to chart without going super insane.
Pinkwashing: I’m grossed out by the commercialization of breast cancer, but I want to support my recently-diagnosed mother!
I have always been ethically opposed to the commericialization of breast cancer. But now my mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer and I find more and more well-meaning people asking me about pink ribbon campaigns or breast cancer runs/walks etc, or trying to show their support by buying into these campaigns. How do I acknowledge their support without encouraging these activities to which I feel ethically opposed and without sounding like I’m preaching or am just a sour bitch?