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grown ups

What you can do to help get midwives licensed in Alabama even if you don’t live anywhere near it

The Alabama Birth Coalition is an organization that’s working hard to change this. It’s completely volunteer-based, totally grassroots-driven, and one of the coolest collective of people I’ve ever had the pleasure of being around. I recently interviewed Hannah Ellis about her work with the Alabama Birth Coalition and what you can do to help — even if you don’t live anywhere near Alabama.

How trying to have a baby might change your sex life

I’m trying to get pregnant. I’m not taking the “go off the pill and see what happens” approach. I’m taking a more active approach. I’m thirty-four, and I think I want to have two kids. I’m not exactly worried about making that happen, but I figure that all else being equal, it’s best if we knock out the first one as soon as possible.

How can we honor friends and family who helped during our NICU experience?

After the birth of our twins at 27 weeks our friends, family and coworkers really banned together to help us get through what was the worst period of our lives. Our twins are now five-months-old, and we want to do something to celebrate the people who are still very actively involved in all of our lives. How do I ever thank them and make sure they know that they are our babies’ extended family?

Swedish goth moms blog too, y’all

We got a link a few weeks ago from reader Tearsong about Adora BatBrat, a “self-proclaimed goth version of Martha Stewart.” SAY WHAAAAAAAAAT! She’s named her kids after synthesizers (Synthia, Fairlight, and TeeBee), and blogs about everything from having a goth party for her eight-year-old to being a model, so a lot of ground is covered.

Let’s ditch the “one size fits all” model of parenting

Like life, parenting is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Maybe it’s the idealist in me, but on this front I’m pretty much middle of the road on the stuff that seems to make parents pull out knives on each other. I don’t understand the obsession we seem to have, or at least that the media thrusts upon us, with tar and feathering one another. My motto is: make sure you’re educated, informed, evaluate your life and circumstances, and then get to the business of doing what works best for you and yours.

Morning sickness got you down? Here are my favourite places to throw up

Anyway, after discussing barfing at length with a few people, someone brought up the notion of refusing to throw up in a toilet. “Uh, why?”, I asked naively.

Is starting medical school compatible with raising a family?

I am a twenty-seven-year-old who is applying to medical school next year. I would start in Fall of 2013. By the time I start medical school I will be twenty-nine and my partner will be thirty-seven. We will most likely be in a new city far from family and friends, and our main income will be from school loans and scholarships.

Here’s our problem: we really want to have children.

Standing at the brink of thirteen

There’s an endearing, exasperating naivete to this age. She wears eyeliner but doesn’t wash her hair without reminders. Sometimes she leaves the house looking like a million bucks. Other times I turn her around before she hits the breakfast table because I cannot stand to look at the same sloppy gym shorts for even one meal more.