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What are some good scent combinations for homemade toiletries?

I’m making homemade toiletries for everyone on my gift-list this year. I’d love to make my own scents without having to buy expensive essential oils, just using the herbs and other yummy stuff around my house. I’d love to know about some good and useful scent combinations.

From sweet treats, to healthy greens, and complete meals: Yummy gift ideas

Got some people on your holiday list that are hard to please? That’s okay! Because sometimes the best way to someone’s heart is through their tastebuds. That’s why I’ve rounded up some of my favorite edible holiday gift ideas. From sweet treats, to healthy greens, and complete meals… these yummy options are sure to please! Let’s get shopping…

Thoughtful gifts under $20 for EVERYONE on your list

So you can’t afford to get your book nerd brother a first edition, or your travel-hungry friend his dream trip to Japan, or your whiskey-loving sister her favorite bottle. We get it! But you CAN get them gifts that are just as thoughtful, and all for under $20. Check these out…

The ultimate vintage razor gift buying guide

Trying to figure out a gift for your partner/groomsmen/dad? How about a vintage shaving razor! They’re eco-friendly, economical (both for you to buy and for the recipient purchase blades for), built-to-last, and damn cool!

Since my man is a huge shaving aficionado, I interviewed him to make a little guide for anyone who wants some pointers on buying a razor! I hope it’s helpful…

Gifts for the quirky, kitschy, special unicorns, and the kids-at-heart

We all have that one super-quirky, weird, and wonderful friend who always finds the coolest stuff that makes you go “where the hell did you find that!?” Guess what: I found a shitload of the coolest gifts on the internet that will make your friend say “where the hell did you find this!?”

Who? What? How? Seeking advice on holiday-time tipping

Growing up in New York City, I was vaguely aware that my parents “tipped” the doormen and the superintendent of my apartment building sometime around the end of December. Now as an adult newly living in a city in Texas, in a rental apartment complex, and I have no idea what I should do about holiday tipping… Who are these people we should be tipping? Should we be giving cash or gift cards? If so, how much? Should we be giving cookies? Should we just give a thank you/happy holidays card?

Gifts for musicians and music geeks of all levels

That guy I married is a sound engineer at work, and a huge music geek at home. Most of my closest friends are professional musicians. This means I have years and years of music-related gift giving tricks up my sleeves. My fellow musician-lovers, you might want to get your credit cards ready, because I’m about to find all of your gifts for you…

Keep a roll of frozen cookie dough on stand-by for instant gifting

I make a large batch of cookie dough every couple of months, then roll it into a long sausage and freeze it. If I’m invited somewhere, or a friend breaks up with their partner, whatever… I just cut a couple of slices and bake them and I have a warm plate of cookies with almost no effort.