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Gender roles are soul crushing so why are we still gendering kids clothes?

I was two minutes into writing a post about shoes for toddlers when I had to stop and throw a public fit. Why the hell are we still gendering kids clothes? Why am I forced to gender my child before they even have a chance to figure it out themselves just so I can them get some damned shoes?

Tired of being misgendered?: Cute pronoun pins to the rescue

Pronoun pins could help con attendees, but also people who work in the service industry too. Or… hear me out… gentle but obvious reminders to your family during the holidays!? So let’s dive in and look for some of the cutest pronoun pins I could find.

My child sexually was harassed on the school bus & the reality set in

My child was sexually harassed on the school bus & the reality set in

Yesterday should have been a normal day. It started off that way. But instead it became a first for my eldest daughter. My daughter asked a boy to stop using profanities, and instead, he used them more and more, especially directed at her. And then he threatened her, repeatedly.

When the bus did stop, she ran as fast as she could and into my arms. Her whole body shook with fear and anger. That was the day our daughter became the victim of sexually violent language. She is ten years old. The boy was twelve. She was riding the school bus home from fifth grade.

Wait, DON'T smash the patriarchy -- its pieces are seeds

Wait, DON’T smash the patriarchy — its pieces are seeds

Recently I’ve become really uncomfortable with the term “smashing the patriarchy.” Not in the comfort-zone-pushing way, but in the misaligned-self-betrayal way. So I’ve stopped using it. Because you know who runs around smashing shit?

The patriarchy. If we look seriously at the situation, I think we find that to “smash” the patriarchy is to recreate it.

I am gender fluid and losing weight. How will I feel about my body after?

I am gender fluid and losing weight. How will I feel about my body after?

I’ve just recently come to the realization that I am genderfluid. Ever since I was a toddler, I’ve been this mix of feminine and masculine, insisting on wearing fluffy dresses while playing Power Rangers. I’ve always felt too masculine to be a girl and too feminine to be a boy.

How do others in the trans and genderqueer community handle physical body changes like weight loss? Does anyone else worry their perception of their own gender, or lack thereof, could change at the end of that particular journey?

"Are you a boy or a girl?" How do you explain gender to a child?

“Are you a boy or a girl?” How do you explain gender to a child?

My kiddo is biologically male, but when kids ask him if he’s a boy or girl, he says, “I’m me. I’m a person.” Kids, however, don’t accept this answer and pester him to the point of tears. I don’t know how to tell him the difference between boys and girls, or if I want to tell him that there is a difference at all (besides anatomically).

How do you explain gender to a four-year-old?

Partner bashing: Are you venting about your partner too much?

Partner bashing: Are you venting about your partner too much?

Partner bashing (in my case, husband bashing, though it’s not limited to heterosexual couples by any means) is one of my biggest pet peeves. I notice it happens a lot in mom groups; women get together and complain loudly about their husbands.

I recognize the importance of venting, but is it ever too much?

StyleLikeU: You have to see this radically honest YouTube docu-series about race, gender, sexualities, and more

You have to see this radically honest YouTube docu-series about race, gender, sexualities, and more

I was introduced to StyleLikeU as a media platform producing “radically honest docu-style videos that give voice to role models of all body-types, ages, races, genders, sexualities, and abilities, who stand proudly outside of norms and are comfortable in their skin, disentangling style from fashion in the process.” Um, yes please. This required further investigation since it sounded fairly groundbreaking. I was absolutely not disappointed.