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What are your favorite water-saving tips and tricks?

There’s a severe drought in my home state of California (again). This concerns me. So I’m doing what I can to conserve water. So I ask you, Homies: What are your favorite water-saving tips and tricks?

Hardcore ways to survive a drought (or just save money on your water bill)

Did you know that about 25% of the continental United States is in extreme drought conditions right now? The ’10s saw a long drought in Australia that led to deadly fires, and parts of central Europe are below normal rainfall levels right now. Climate change brings weather extremes, throwing once-regular rain patterns out of whack. Even if your hometown is currently nice and wet, it might not be in the future. And besides, saving money on your water bill isn’t a bad thing. So try some of these hardcore hacks to save water…

Make compromises within a relationship that don’t mean sacrificing your values

I had a lot of time to fantasize about my future and prospective living situations, and the idea of a vegan, eco-friendly, ethical household was appealing to me. So when I met my now-fiancée and the topic of moving in together came up, it was apparent that some compromises were going to have to be made on someone’s end. The compromises didn’t come without some heated discussions. While having these conversations with my fiancée, it occurred to me that a lot of my choices that tried to incorporate ethical consumerism were a lot about boycotting. I decided that from now on, instead of focusing exclusively on cutting things out of my shopping list, I’ll do things that support causes I believe in instead.

Make your own eco-friendly home cleaner with this easy kit

I ran into this set in real life the other day and thought, “Hmm, what a great idea! My Homies may just love this.” So I found it on Amazon for ya…

What do you do with all your reusable shopping bags?

I love my reusable shopping bags, and I even have some from travels around the world. But! What do I do with this mass of bags? Any cool ideas for organizing re-usable shopping bags? Have you figured out a way to keep them neat?

Commuting by bike: Urban utopia not required

I’m here to give you some good news: you — yes, you — can reduce your carbon footprint, improve your physical and mental health, save money, and have loads of fun by commuting by bike. If you don’t live in an awesome, urban wonderland where biking is the norm, I’m right there with you. But it’s still possible, here’s how…

Let’s talk about reusable produce bags

I have been working on reducing my plastic use this year. I am wondering if anyone has recommendations for alternatives to plastic bags for produce and bulk shopping at grocery stores? Has anyone switched from those store-ready produce bags? If so, did the store give you any problems when checking out with your produce holders?

The 5 eco-friendly products that make my home more green

My husband and I have been trying to make our home more green lately. Here are the five eco-friendly items we have started using and are absolutely obsessed with. It will take a little bit of an initial investment to furnish your home with all these items, but once you have them they can be reused for years and in the long run you will actually end up spending less, looking chic, being healthier, and helping the planet!