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4 reasons why you need to reassess the division of labor in your house

If you and your partner are anything like me and mine, you settled into some domestic patterns in the first few months of living together. But even if your systems are working well, you still need to revisit and shake-up your divisions of labor. Here’s why…

Look like a bad ass mofo while washing dishes

You know what sucks about doing dishes? Everything. It’s boring, it’s gross, it makes my hands all dried out, and it’s a chore that’s impossible to feel like a bad ass doing. Until these mother fucking Tuff Dish Tattoo Kitchen Gloves came into my life.

How doing chores makes me feel empowered

This might seem paradoxical, and it probably is, but adding more chores to my daily life has actually given me the feeling I am more in control of my life. Some might call this backwards. Isn’t evolution supposed to drive towards a simplified life, with fewer and fewer chores?

How to deal with moving back home with your parents

I recently moved back in with my parents.  This is because I made the decision to stop working full-time, go back to university, and make an attempt to “concentrate on my writing” (as obnoxious as that sounds).  I have lived out of home for over four years – the entirety of my adult life! – and as you can probably imagine, quite a bit has changed at my childhood home in that time.

I’ve learned a few things from my time back at home — pull up a chair and let me tell you why you should think twice before demanding a juice box, or bringing a one night stand home to your parents’ house.

How to go from an apartment set up to a functional furnished house

When we moved from an apartment to a house, things started to slip away from us. We tripped over boxes, forgot to clean anything, and we floundered. Until I came up with a plan — and a tool that you might find helpful, too!

Go paperless at home: 7 ideas for less clutter, less stress, and more free mindspace

So much paper comes into my house that I just don’t care about. Bills that don’t change month-to-month but that I should keep for my records, receipts, healthcare info, manuals — it’s all stuff I don’t WANT but I need to keep, just in case. Sound familiar? In an effort to make all our lives less cluttered, here are seven ways to get after a paperless house.

How to blend two schools of thought about cleaning under one roof

I try to do daily cleaning until I get behind and overwhelmed. Then he will take a weekend and do a massive cleaning. We both end up feeling like the other one never does any cleaning. How can we find a better compromise?

Big Bear’s gonna teach you how to get oil stains out of clothes

You ever ruined a good shirt with an itty bitty oil spots? Oil spots’ll never ruin another cool shirt again.