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Interview with Eden & Alice of Let’s Panic About Babies

Eden Kennedy and Alice Bradley have both been mommybloggers since before the term existed. The two co-founded the hilarious Let’s Panic About Babies! in 2008, and have been mocking fear-based baby culture ever since.

A guide for preparing to conceive

Sara is, among other things, the owner of an online course called Purposeful Conception, so she just might know a thing or two about trying to make a baby.

Children’s book review: Why War is Never a Good Idea

Jasper is a bit of a book fiend, and we tend to visit our local library branch once or twice a week. We were already doing this pre-baby, since Sean and I are also book fiends (apple…tree). The other day, Sean and Jazz went by themselves, and returned with Why War is Never a Good […]

Offbeat kids books about sex and bodies

Sex education for children is definitely a hot button issue, but one that can empower children to claim ownership of their bodies AND teach them the various functions those bodies can have. Here are a few books that can help guide your young ones through their own periods of curiosity and confusion.

Books for DILFS

Books are basically the very best gift ever, except for maybe an authentic (read: made out of blades of energy) lightsaber or a real Ewok (just me?). Or a Jedi Robe. Um, too many Star Wars references?

20 kid-lit books off the beaten path

Not all kids books are created equal. Kids aren’t stupid – they’re just, well, young. They need good literature too!

MamaLit Book Review #2 – Sleep is for the Weak

Arens, Rita (ed.) Sleep is for the Weak: The Best of Mommy Bloggers including Amalah, Finslippy, Fussy, Would Coulda Shoulda, Mom-101, and more. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2008. Warning: 1. Do not read this book, until after you pee, if like me, your post-baby bladder is less than, um, reliable. 2. Do not read this […]

Finding Your Inner Mama book review

Steinberg, Eden. (Ed). Finding Your Inner Mama: Women Reflect on the Challenges and Rewards of Motherhood. Shambhala Publications: New York, 2007. I seem to have developed a bit of an addiction. Mama lit. I love it. Devour it. Can’t get enough of it. I don’t mean advice books, or how-to-be-a-better-mama books, which can be found […]