Category Archive


How can we explain his brother’s autism to our four-year-old son?

My stepson, A, is 11 and autistic, and my younger son, M, is four. M has just started to question why A isn’t “like his friend’s big brother.” When M asked “Why won’t A play with me? Does he not like me?” it struck us that we really didn’t know how to explain autism in a way that a four-year-old would understand.

What kind of comics can I share with a four-year-old?

Meredith wants to get her kiddo into comic books, but the trouble is she doesn’t really know a lot about them. Comic book geeks: fill her in on all of the kid-friendly but not cheesy-cartoony comics out there!

How to track your cycles and chart your fertility without going super insane

Charting is a super, insanely useful way to get really amazingly in touch with your body and your cycles, but if you’re not careful, charting can drive you super insane.

From birth to teens, we’ve got your books about recycling

It’s Earth Day! What better way to celebrate than by stocking up on books that preach environmental-friendliness? Then you can go plant a tree or something cool like that.

Get your teen back into reading (and get to know them better in the process!)

So, apparently something happens when kids hit thirteen: they no longer like reading. In 2007, the National Endowment for the Arts published a report on reading that found, among other things, “Teens and young adults read less often and for shorter amounts of time when compared with other age groups and with Americans of the past” and “reading is declining as an activity among teenagers.”

Libraries are for everyone — even babies

Our local libraries are a treasure trove of community and fun. My daughter has found in our library a place filled with music, stories, games, crafts, puzzles, child-size furniture, picture-books, and other kids.

LGBT-themed books for tweens and high schoolers

There’s been a huge boost in quality and quantity of fiction and nonfiction with LGBT themes for kids and young adults. Many of the general themes and feelings are common to teens AND adults.

Has becoming a parent changed your values?

Becoming a parent made author Jonathan Safran Foer become a vegetarian. Has parenthood changed you?