Category Archive


The hazy magic of night nursing

“…Now pull baby close. Her eyes are still closed. My eyes are starting to strain because I’ve only allowed one to open this whole time. Mustn’t cross over to the waking world. Must return to slumber.”

If the baby co-sleeps in bed with you, where do you have sex?

Ok, co-sleepers: riddle us this! How do you co-sleep and keep your sex lives active in your bed?

All about my unexpected love affair… with the stroller

There Karla was, just sitting around, wearing her baby and minding her own business, and then…A STROLLER CAME INTO HER LIFE. Whatever could this mean?

Alice Lasertron’s Montessori-inspired bedroom will rock your world

You all know we’re big-time fans of Princess Lasertron around here. Check out her daughter’s freshly redecorated bedroom and you’ll totally understand why!

“They have babies there, too”: tips for traveling internationally with an infant

Thinking of taking your infant around the world (or at least overseas)? Get hip with these guidelines and you’ll be golden!

Lactating lesbians – inducing lactation as a nongestational mother

Melissa and Liesbeth are wives who are BOTH breastfeeding their daughter, Grace. Can you handle that much awesomeness?

DIY fleece liners to keep your cloth-diapered baby dry at night

Need a way to keep your cloth-diapered baby dry at night? Lindsay’s written up this handy tutorial for you!

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week

Congenital heart defects can be confusing and scary, so Brooke’s compiled a few common questions and answers that may help ease your mind.