Category Archive


Cleaning out the closet: looking at the concept of age appropriate clothing

I resist using this turn of phrase that every woman cringes to hear… “age-appropriate clothing” … but women used to do this thing called “Aging Gracefully,” and I think we need to bring that back.

Log cabin contemplations: reacting & reflecting

As I was sweeping the first of the yellowed leaves from the cabin’s porch, I was trying to line up all the ways that the homes I’ve created for myself in my adult life have been both a reflection of this space, and a reaction against it.

Log cabin contemplations: the weirdness of moving back into your childhood home

As I mentioned last week, I’m spending much of this month in the rustic log cabin that my parents built in the mid-’70s. I lived in this house from ages 2-18, moving out 18 years ago — which means I spent roughly half my life living in this rustic log cabin my parents built on Bainbridge Island.

Needless to say, it’s really weird being back.

How can I make my weird scene shit fit into my sophisticated adult home?

I love my stuff, but I need to find a compromise between overgrown scene kid and a totally bland tract house. What do I do?