Search Results for: shops

A bitty Spanish apartment with BIG color and 19th century brick ceilings

In a post straight out of House Hunters International, we’re touring a 6th floor walkup in Barcelona. This place has it all: hardwood, Eames furniture, a European balcony and — oh. 160 year-old curved brick ceilings.

How we decorated the nursery without breaking the bank

Decorating your kid’s nursery with style doesn’t have to be a monumentally expensive task — you just have to know where to look.

How we decorated the nursery without breaking the bank

Decorating your kid’s nursery with style doesn’t have to be a monumentally expensive task — you just have to know where to look.

Walking the parent consumerism line: how much is too much?

What did you get while you were pregnant? More importantly — what didn’t you get. How can parents STOP with the rampant consumerism already?

When is the right time to have a child?

Ariel and Stephanie weigh in on the question “Am I being foolish by waiting until I feel financially secure before reproducing?”

Daughter of an offbeat mama

The first social reality of which I ever became aware was that my mother was the most embarrassing person on the entire planet. She dressed loudly, spoke louder, and seemed never to have heard of make-up. She was a rebel with many causes and wouldn’t allow my sister or me to escape any of them.