A fast and furious second home birth
July 18th, 2009 – the day I had guessed my baby would make her grand entrance, and by 5pm I was showing no signs of labor whatsoever and feeling pretty discouraged. I was only six days overdue, as I had fully expected, but my parents had to travel back to Wisconsin the next morning, and […]
Meet David, our DILF o’ the week!
I love these photos of this week’s hottie dad — this is David and his son Jace. The shots were taken at the June 2009 wedding of David and his wife Amber. To feast your eyes on one more hot dad/cute kid shot, keep reading! Thanks again to Amber for sharing her good looking guy […]
Underwater at 8 months pregnant
“While trying to stay in shape (yeah, right!), keep working, and let out some creative energy while pregnant with baby #4, I decided it was time to move my work into the ocean.”
Kids are portable
One of the promises that my husband and I made to ourselves when we talked about having children, was that we’d continue to satisfy our desire to travel. We looked forward to carting our future children around the country and around the world. Our 16 month old daughter has taken three trips in her life, […]
Screw! You know… for kids.
I’m not really quite sure what this is, but it’s called “Screw” and it’s for kids, so that’s pretty cool. Personally, I think it looks like something a kid could really get hurt playing with, but it appears that these crazy looking toys are in fact, children’s furniture… and also toys. They were created by […]
Our secular baby-welcoming ceremony
When our baby Gene was born, my partner Martin and I had already decided during our pregnancy that there was going to be no christening/baptism or anything along those lines as we simply didn’t go to church or follow a religion.
But we DID want to have some sort of ceremony. Here’s what we came up with…
Now you can do “here comes the airplane” with a frickin’ illuminated runway!
I love Think Geek because it’s a one stop shopping expo for my nerdy husband. But who knew they had ridiculously cool baby stuff? Okay, yeah, maybe most of that stuff is actually for kids… but I still maintain that a child couldn’t possibly get as much enjoyment out of the Tauntaun sleeping bag as […]
Eating placenta rocked my post-partum world
So, while I know it’s not for everyone (and it did smell kinda like funky beef jerky) eating my placenta really turned my birth recovery up a notch.