I am a nurse and have been doing that for about four years. I love nursing and it is something that I don’t regret doing at all. But I had to quit my job out of sheer exhaustion — being over-worked, made to come in for over time without compensation and smashed with extra work with orders to “suck it up.” Now I want to have a small business.
I love to cook. I had started to look into a small business that I can run out of my home kitchen and office for a lobby Deli Restaurant. I think if I research this right, I know I can be successful.
But I worry, since I am the head of household, with my husband going to graduate school, so all financial responsibility falls on me. I am 100% sure I can do this, but my question is… is it worth the risk? Has anyone else had this sort of complete career change and succeeded? — MetalMaggie
Is quitting your day job to own your own small business worth the risk?
Guest post by MetalMaggie
Having had my own business for 6 years, I’ll say it’s worth the risk but if I were in your kind of position where you have to fend for your family financially,I’d say you look for a part time job to bring in some money while you try to work your business. I’m just being realistic here as businesses do fail despite all the passion and enthusiasm you have.