This week’s DILF, Mr. James Hearn

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It’s been a while since I featured an offbeat DILF. I got some feedback from one reader who said the feature was “so wrong and trashy” and I got a little gun-shy. BUT! I just can’t stay away from the pictures of hottie dads, so despite some of you thinking this feature is “like Hooters for women,” here’s this week’s DILF, James!

James Hearn: YAY DILF!

Helen Jane explains, “Back when I was 22 , I wrote a list of exactly what I wanted out of a husband. Someone who would play guitar to our kids was number one on the list.” … Mission accomplished, HJ!

For a couple more shots of James, and a poll about whether I should keep featuring DILFs, keep reading!

James Hearn

And now I want to know what you think:

Comments on This week’s DILF, Mr. James Hearn

  1. Oh C'mon! DILFs is a funny way of paying a huge compliment to a daddy. I think it's awesome. Why start suppressing ourselves now just because someone is a parent? If someone is that uncomfortable and thinks it's trashy that's totaly their right but I think paying a little complement to hotties with hearts and diaper bags is rad. I know my husband aspires to make the cut some day!

  2. Good Lord, people. The "F" shouldn't be an issue for ANYONE on this website…it's how you got to be a mom in the first place, eh? As for the DILF, keep 'em comin'. 😀

  3. O C'mon! DILFs is a funny way of paying a huge compliment to a daddy. I think it's awesome. Why start suppressing ourselves now just because someone is a parent? If someone is that uncomfortable and thinks it's trashy that's totaly their right but I think trying to impose puritan values on a site that has "off beat" in the name and often features the "alternative" not the straight and narrow norm

  4. I love the DILF features! Firstly, I like seeing the inclusion of dads on the site. Secondly, I like that it contradicts the idea that we become sexless creatures after having children. They are also always written with obvious respect for the DILFs in question and their partners, which to me makes all the difference.

  5. I voted "trashy but I love it", but actually I don't find it trashy at all – it is a humorous part of this website, and it recognises the fact that once you have kids, you can still be cool and good-looking, rather than "boring". Nice to see dads showcased who do not suddenly turn into middle-aged guys driving station wagons just because they've had kids (although if that's what they wanna do that's all good too) 🙂 You could always just change the name to "hottie parenting pics" if that's what's bothering people, and then you can feature parents of all genders as well!

  6. I love DILFs! I don't think it's offensive or even particularly trashy. Like many have said before, MILF is kind of used all the time these days and DILF feels like we're grabbing some equality back and showing the boys we can do it too! I read the DILF posts purely for the cute baby/daddy photos really but I see it as a really nice way for mamas to say "I think you're even hotter these days since you became my baby's daddy!" I love to see a couple in love and I think DILF displays a mammas appreciation for her fella.

    Keep bringing them on! I'm going to submit my own boyfriend now!

  7. DILF all the way. Calm the hell down you dilf hating womens. Its not like they are naked….. unless we are allowed to post them naked…. then I am for that too.

  8. I love DILFs! I don't think it's offensive or even particularly trashy. Like many have said before, MILF is kind of used all the time these days and DILF feels like we're grabbing some equality back and showing the boys we can do it too! I read the DILF posts purely for the cute baby/daddy photos really but I see it as a really nice way for mamas to say "I think you're even hotter these days since you became my baby's daddy!" I love to see a couple in love and I think DILF displays a mammas appreciation for her fella.

    Keep bringing them on! I'm going to submit my own boyfriend now!

  9. I think being called a DILF is a compliment. I glow when someone calls me a MILF. It means I can be a mom and be sexually desirable. My husbands loves being called a DILF. He says it is nice when another women notices him as a dad and finds that attractive.

  10. While I don't actually want to have sex with these men, I think it's funny ^_^ I'd be proud to feauture my hubby on DILF's anyday.

    It's undersatndable that not everyone is interested in sex with men. But it's not like a firefighter calendar either. It's funny that the term DILF is sexual, but the feautures and pics are so inspiring, sweet, and intelligent. The opposite of trashy.

    Keep the DILF's coming, and maybe come up with a way to submit DILF's we know!<3

  11. as a mommy who loves other mommies, i feel a little left out of the DILF postings. it's tough to find a community for gay moms but for the most part, i've found this one to be sexuality-neutral. it was pretty refreshing. i think the idea of posting yummy partners with babies is cute – but it would wonderful to celebrate all orientations and all our delish partners!

  12. I've never commented before, (even though I am a long-time lurked), but felt the need to say something now.
    It seems 99% of us find the term DILF unoffensive, so I really don't think that the vast minority should get to have the term changed because it may irk them a little. Dads should be celebrated, & if they happen to be attractive to a few of us then Im sure they won't protest in being told so.

    The F part isn't dirty or trashy – it's a beautiful, natural instinct that all animals share. AND it's what gives us our beloved children, it's what turns us from offbeat ladies into offbeat mamas! x

  13. I LOVE the offbeat DILF feature – I don't think that men get celebrated enough for all of their amazing nurturing qualities. I assume that the term DILF is a bit tongue-in-cheek, and love love love reading about the crazy amazing dads out there. As someone who isn't yet a mom (and not even close), I am excited to see my husband become a DILF!!

  14. I personally like the regular DILF meaning and the Friend change, but I also tend to think of it as a narrative point from Ariel: Dad I’d like to Feature (on offbeatmama)! That works too LOL

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