How do I live with my dog when my dog isn’t happy where I live?

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I Heart My Dog Key Fob by NewfoundApplique
I’ve had my dog ever since she was able to leave her mom. She’s four now, and really is the best behaved dog for the most part. We have both lived with my parents in the country (no neighbors). When I leave her home alone, she goes outside with our family dog and they play and sleep and bark at passing deer.

Recently I moved to a new city and apartment. I thought my dog adjusted perfectly; she learned not to bark at neighbor’s noise (we are still working on greeting new dogs), and established a routine of going for walks, ect. However after a month and a half, my landlord called to say she was barking/howling/crying during the day while I was at work and that they wouldn’t tolerate it anymore and that I had to do something.

I started researching and got to work. I tried crate training, and giving her puzzle treats, etc. She hates her crate unless she’s sleepy and ignores the toys. Eventually I broke down and bought a spray collar, but that only worked if I was with her. The moment I left her, she would frantically start to bark and howl.

Doggy day care is too expensive in my area, and I’m at my wit’s end. Right now, my doggie is living with my parents, but it’s breaking both of our hearts to be apart. What else can I do in order to be able to live with my dog again? -Kel

Hey Kel, my advice may not be what you want to hear, but I’d suggest letting your dog live at your parents’ house. Sometimes what’s best for the dog isn’t so much what you’d prefer. Trust me, I speak from experience…

Ayla and myself at my parents house the day I got her, and us 10 years later on a day that Ayla visited me at my apartment.
Ayla and myself at my parents house the day I got her, and us 10 years later on a day that Ayla visited me at my apartment.

Just out of high school, and still living with my parents, I fell in love and brought home a Boston Terrier puppy. I named her Ayla, and trained her, and slept with her at night. Then, years later, when it was time for me to move away, I realized that I couldn’t bring Ayla with me — she was far too happy at my parents’ house, surrounded by family, with a yard she could laze about in any time she wanted. With me it’d be long days alone while I was at school, and only enjoying the outside when I took her out on walks.

So I left her with my parents, and visited her as much as I could, and some weekends we’d have sleep overs. While I was sad about it, and missed her every second I was away from her, she on the other hand was perfectly happy. That bitch. 😉

Ayla went on to become the whole family’s dog, and lived a full love-filled life. I went on to adopt two more dogs who were just perfectly happy to have ANY kind of home — no compromising necessary.

Of course, you and I are both lucky in that we have parents who are willing to let our pups live with them. Not everyone has the luxury to let your dogs live in country homes with our folks. So…

If any other Homies have a no-fail solution for getting your dogs adjusted to a new home situation, let us know!

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