That guy I married is a sound engineer at work, and a huge music geek at home. Most of my closest friends are professional musicians. This means I have years and years of music-related gift giving tricks up my sleeves. My fellow musician-lovers, you might want to get your credit cards ready, because I’m about to find all of your gifts for you…

Music nerds! What were your favorite gifts past, and what are some things you’re hoping to get?
These are awesome ideas! I have a hard time getting gifts for my husband because his interests are so specific and he’s been doing the same hobbies for 15+ years (guitar, origami, magic tricks), which means he is very particular about supplies, etc… Point is: finding good gifts that fit his specific needs is a pain in the ass. Thanks for this post!
my husband very well may be getting a mini theremin for christmas. thank you!
You’re welcome! Mine got it last year. 😉
A mini theremin. This absolutely solves my problem of what to get my husband for Christmas!
There are other options for inexpensive theremins as well. I can’t remember what brand mine is (I wanted to say Moog but I don’t think mine is quite that nice), but I got a theremin for my birthday a few years back and it’s one of the coolest presents I’ve ever gotten. Mine is small-ish and black plastic with only a couple of knobs, but it does the job– and it’s super fun at parties! (Although you have to go with an expensive high-quality one for actual musicality– the small cheap ones are best for “woo I’m a ghost/alien” sound effects.)
Buy me the Korg Synthesizer! Now I am off to buy a piano 😀 yay!
That wallet is pretty sweet! I also really like the idea of the Pick Punch, but alas, Mr. Chi is extremely particular about his picks and I doubt he’d ever use it–I just can’t see him approving of any nonstandard pick material 🙁
I have always wanted a theremin…
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO MORE TCHOTCHKES WITH TREBLE CLEFS ON THEM. (that bracelet is pretty, I mean more of the cheese slicing board or wall plaque or notepad or picture frame variety. All of which I’ve received. AND DEEPLY APPRECIATED BUT STOP.)
What I always want, as an elitist classical musician? SCORES. Or gift certificates to buy scores. They can be a$$pensive, especially if it’s not in the public domain. It’s not as sexy as all this awesomeness, but would make me exceedingly happy.
Amen! We have been on the receiving end of giant metal wall art treble cleffs more times than I would have liked to be.
But I stick by that bracelet. 😉
I got my person the wallet. He has a pick holder keychain, but his wallet broke the day this was published. I also get him the sleep headphones. He watches movies every night, so this might be great. We’ll see.
I got my person the sleep headphones too! 😉
That piano key doormat made me sigh longingly as soon as I saw it.
This post is so awesome!!! I will be getting the sleep phones for my husband for v-day! Thanks for posting this!!!