Child’s Play lets you donate video games and films to kids
Child’s Play is a game industry charity dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games in our network of over 60 hospitals worldwide.
Santa Claus and age-appropriate truths
Jessica and her husband don’t plan on perpetuating the belief in Santa Claus (or the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny, for that matter) in their kids, and she’s looking to hear from other offbeat parents who haven’t told their kids the tale of St. Nick.
An ode to skinny jeans
Kayden, my step-son, seems to be following in the same footsteps as myself and his father. He’s relatively unfazed by the current wave of en vogue accoutrements for middle school boys. Skinny jeans, however, were just too powerful a force to overcome. He needed to have skinny jeans.
The gift of tantrums
Monica gives you an alternate way to think of and cope with those crazy little tantrums toddlers are so fond of throwing.
Repenting for parenting evangelism
Are you guilty of parenting evangelism? Brooke explores and repents for the times she may have lent an earful when all someone needed was an ear.
Having THE TALK: When will you introduce your kids to Star Wars?
You know THE TALK is coming someday, and here’s a handy-dandy “Talking to your kids about Star Wars” video to help you out.
My thanksgiving birth story
Somewhere around my 26th week of pregnancy, our midwife Heike taught us how to find the baby’s head in my belly. “It’s called ballottement,” she explained. His head was just under the right side of my ribcage, meaning he was breech. “Don’t worry about it,” my midwife said. “Most babies are breech in the second trimester. He’ll flip.”
Raising an infant in a multi-person household
Mamacita and her husband share a house with their baby, three other adults, and a variety of animals, and this kind of village works for them!