How do I sneak healthier food into my family’s diet?
Confession: I have totally been known to sneak veggies into our son’s food — he’s two-and-a-half and generally a good eater, but some days are easier than others. Sometimes, on the not so easy days, he’ll find grated carrots and broccoli on top of his cheese pizza because that’s how we roll.
How can I balance being a parent and being an artist?
It’s very difficult to be faced with two options: be artistic on cue, or stop in the middle of my inspiration to fix dinner, help with homework, or do a bedtime routine. The end result of all this internal conflict is complete and utter failure at both my art and raising my children in a healthy clean environment. I am curious: has anyone else out there dealt with this conflict? Have you found a solution that’s healthy for everyone?
Piercing question: I have dermal anchors in my back — should I remove them before giving birth?
I am a first time mama-to-be and I have piercings, as I am sure many other offbeat readers do. The question I am coming up on is about some of my less than removable piercings, namely, my dermal anchors.
How can I politely tell people that my reproductive goals are none of their business?
As my husband and I decided that this pack of birth control pills would be the last (for a while), I found myself confronted with an awkward situation. Random people (co-workers, clients, etc.) asking me in one form or another if I was thinking about having a baby yet.
What can we call ourselves besides aunt and uncle?
What do you call yourself if you are an “Aunt” or an “Uncle,” or what do you call your relatives who fit this role, but not this name?
Some people get things and some people don’t: how do you explain privilege to your kids?
I’m curious: how do various offbeat parents explain privilege to your kids? Not the “you’ve lost your computer privileges for the day, young lady!” kind of privilege, but the kind of privilege we talk about in social justice work: advantages our society hands to people based on their (perceived or actual) identities and experiences.
How can I wear my baby at Renaissance Fest without clashing with my ensemble?
The Renaissance Fest in my state is happening soon and a group of us are road tripping to spend a weekend there with the kidlets. I have my costumes all picked out, but I have no clue what to do with my toddler. We are a babywearing family, so I’d love to wear her, but I’m pretty (selfishly) concerned about the aesthetic of the Ergo with my corset. I’m also wondering… what would a one-year-old wear to Renaissance Fest anyways?
How can I deal with pregnancy cravings for food I’m allergic to?
I’m intolerant to gluten — I’ve been tested professionally and have the paperwork to prove it. I’ve had no problem dropping it from my diet until now… while I’m pregnant. Apparently all the baby wants in the world is wheat products — noodles, bread, pastries, etc. No junk food, just anything and everything with wheat in it.