This is my second child but my partner’s first — how do I refrain from comparing the two pregnancies?
I was super excited when my husband and I decided to start trying to have a baby. When we got pregnant the first month we tried I was a little scared — and not just the normal, “OMG we created life… are we crazy?!” scared. This will be my second pregnancy but my husband’s first — when we met I was a single mom to my son.
What are my longish-term birth control options?
I’m a mama to the best two little boys around…and would not like to have any more. Yep, my husband and I are in mega-agreement that two kids are plenty for us. I’m motivated to check out other options that don’t require a daily commitment until my husband is ready for the big V. So, what longish term birth control do you use and why?
How and when do you tell your kids your dirty little secrets?
Like many of us my husband and I have pasts… and not everything is lily white. While we aren’t proud of these things in our past, we also aren’t ashamed of them — they are part of who we are, and helped define our characters. How do we talk to our kids about our pasts while making sure it’s not OK that they repeat our mistakes?
How do I respect friends who openly spank but protect my kid from seeing it?
In our family we are firmly anti-spanking, but we realize that many of our friends and family members are not. We respect that they’re making decisions that work best for their families, but I don’t want my son to see his friends or family members being spanked.
How do you successfully share a bed with more than one kid?
I’m wondering how other families have successfully shared a bed with two children — it seems unfair to put our older daughter in a bed on her own so that the younger one can sleep with us. How did your family manage to co-sleep with two kids?
A stylist’s advice on the best haircuts for post-partum hair loss
After my baby was born, I lost about half my hair. Apparently this isn’t uncommon, even though nothing I read forewarned me about it. Now its growing back, though, and my face is framed by a halo/ruff/mane of little half curls. They’re too short to be pulled back, too numerous to be clipped back, and it’s too hot to wear my hair down.
What are your favorite children’s books that talk about being a single parent household?
My husband is leaving me and our almost-two-year-old daughter. I’ve made sure not to badmouth him in front of her and try to keep all conversations about it to a minimum when she’s around, but I know that eventually, she’ll figure out that many of her friends have two-parent households and ours does not.
Are there socially inclusive alternatives to Boy Scouts?
The recent decision by the National Boy Scout Association to continue to exclude gay members and leaders has pretty much finalized my decision not to let my son join. This is going to cause some rift in my family, as my husband was an Eagle Scout and my father-in-law is the local troop leader. Does anybody know of alternative organizations that teach similar skills?