Category Archive


Our sister site Offbeat Mama launched in 2009, became Offbeat Families in 2012, and was merged into Offbeat Home & Life in 2015. This archive contains all the posts ever published on those sites! We believe that while children change your life forever, being around kids doesn’t necessitate abandoning your identity. We believe in supporting and inspiring parents and caregivers who are moving beyond mainstream visions of parenting. We welcome anyone who’s interested in families, whether you’re pre-parental, in the process of becoming a parent, or choosing to live childfree.

A peek into the life of Jude and his two moms

If the last few family portrait session posts are any indication, I’m on a bit of a sunshine kick — and these photos of the adorably-named Jude and his two moms definitely fit the bill! Jude’s moms are getting ready to try to conceive baby number two, so they thought this was the perfect time to capture their lives while they’re still a family of three.

My friend just had an abortion — how do I tell her I’m pregnant without re-opening fresh wounds?

Last month, one of my best friends shared with our group of friends that she had an abortion. I was one of the few who supported her choice outright and stood up for her. During this same time, my husband and I started trying to conceive. We’ve just found out that we are already pregnant! How do I tell my best friend I’m pregnant, while still affirming that I support her and her decision to end her pregnancy?

Make your own indoor sandbox to combat the dreary weather blues

My nineteen-month-old children can’t actually say that they’re bored yet, but it’s pretty easy to tell when they are. This week the city of Toronto has been a giant slushy and the minions haven’t made it outside much: at daycare or at home. Even prison inmates get yard time, and after more than a day without outdoor play, someone’s going to get shanked in their cell… err, crib.

Don’t Call Him Mom, or an Imbecile — dads want ads that don’t make them look stupid

The Dad 2.0 Summit was recently held in Houston, TX, and a large portion of the event focused on the relationship between advertisers and dads — or the lack thereof. Fathers are staying at home in increasing numbers, and according to this NY Times piece, many of them are tired of being treated by advertisers as if they’re not up to task.

Parent envy: the long road to parenthood for LGBT families

I didn’t choose to be Queer, but I did choose to follow that path and I thought I had prepared myself for what that meant in terms of family planning. I did not expect to feel this way — so torn up about the prospect of being childless. So angry that for some it is so easy it becomes accidental. My hope, in sharing these feelings is to shed them. I can’t imagine I am the only one to harbor such emotions and yet it feels lonely here.

What did you research while trying to conceive?

My husband and I are planning on trying to conceive in the next three to four months. I originally thought that I was a crazy person for wanting to go ahead and do some planning for care providers and such now, but I am quickly learning that I am not a crazy person (at least not because of that), and that it’s quite normal.

What I’d LOVE to know, is what you all did/planned/researched before you conceived — a timeline with to-dos for each month would really help me out!

How do you celebrate your kid’s birthdays together when divorced grandparents don’t get along?

I’m the product of divorced parents who are happily remarried, but that don’t get along well with one another. Now that my husband and I have brought our three families’ first grandbaby in the world, I’m wondering how we’re going to handle birthdays and other celebrations when two sets of grandparents don’t jive.

Breastfeeding was crazy hard — then it clicked

Of all the things people felt like giving advice on while I was pregnant, no one ever told me that breastfeeding might be hard. One person warned me that sometimes it just doesn’t work, but I didn’t really get it. Why would it just not work?