Category Archive

Birth stories

This is our archive of birth stories from our sister site, Offbeat Families. We have at-home births, hospital births, and c-section births — we love them all!

Empowered by a caesarian birth

Caesarians are not always celebrated in the Offbeat world, but they are a very real part of the labor & delivery process many women experience. Gillie’s birth story teaches us that, with the right team and encouragement, a caesarian can be every bit as empowering as any other kind of birth.

How to pull off a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) like a pro

My older sister, who also had a VBAC, had told me that “it hurts and then it’s over.” I was skeptical at the time but it’s true! It hurts, and then it’s over! And you have a baby in your arms to show for it!

The story of how Princess Lasertron birthed her babytron

Meg of Princess Lasertron makes beautiful felt bouquets loved by Offbeat Brides … and this spring she gave birth to her daughter!

Thirteen hours of water birthing

I practically ran back into the bedroom and woke up my partner Joe, feverishly excited I beamed, “My water broke!”

A water birth story

I floated through my labor, literally and figuratively. I spent seven hours in a big round tub, making my own waves as each contraction made waves through my body.

Eleven weeks early and a fighter from the start

From the very start of my pregnancy, I knew that my little one would come before her due date, maybe a week or two early. Never in my wildest imaginings did I think she would be ELEVEN weeks early! It was Tuesday, March 3, 2009. I woke up with the most intensive heartburn I had […]

Miracle baby proves there’s no such thing as a 100% diagnosis

From the age twelve years I have been told I would never carry a child to term. There were days of depression, fears of never having my own children, feeling like an oddity that I didn’t menstruate like my friends and all around not feeling like a “real” woman. Eventually I came to the conclusion […]

Yeah, so my son was born in the backseat of a taxi.

Summer wanted a natural childbirth free from medical interventions. Well, she got what she wanted, right there in the back of a taxi cab on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway.