Category Archive


Tarot, crystals, and empowerment: Confessions of a secular witch

Witchcraft has something that’s been a huge part of my life for years. But there’s so much stigma surrounding what it means to be a witch that I just didn’t feel comfortable opening myself up to speculations and ridicule.

I’ve realized that the best way to clear up misconceptions is to talk freely about them. With that in mind, here I am, declaring myself publicly to be a practitioner of secular witchcraft…

The Lesson of the McNuggets: Embrace being real over being perfect

There never seems to be enough time, money or energy to be the Fantasy Holiday Version of Ourselves. That’s why we should always remember The Lesson of the McNuggets as we go into our New Years celebrations/new year of our lives…

Shame kept me from sending single parent Christmas cards

Why over a decade of holiday seasons have come and gone without a Christmas card from us is complicated.

Actually it’s not! It’s because of shame; plain and simple.

I ended up feeling like I didn’t have a “right,” or we weren’t “enough of a family” to send one out. Like it was a feeling that we weren’t complete. Like somehow we were less of a family because there wasn’t a second parent, or even another child. Just me and her. Just. Only.

How my miscarriage and pro-life ads made me even MORE pro-choice

I feel as vulnerable writing this as I did sitting in a hospital gown at four in the morning discussing the contents (or lack thereof) of my uterus with an ER doc. But that served its purpose, as I hope this will, too. I know there are people whom I know and care about who disagree with me fundamentally on this topic. I am only sharing my journey — may we each have our own. My sympathies if yours is similar…

I hate my vulva: The pressure to conform to unrealistic genital beauty standards

There’s a post on Medium that caught my eye the other day, Vulvas: Shapes, sizes and misconceptions, that I found quite interesting and even therapeutic…

Fetishist or enthusiast? Musings on perceptions of corsetry and identity

What interests me is the dichotomy. Some eschew the word “fetishist” because of the associated stigma. Others instead enjoy the term for the same reason — flying their freak flag high and proud. I can see both points.

How do you identify as a corset wearer? Enthusiast, waist-trainer, fetishist, maker, hobbyist, tightlacer?

The 3 tricks to staying positive in a negative world

It’s so easy to be discontent with our bodies, our possessions, our lives; stepping back and realizing exactly how many amazing positives there are in each and every one of our lives is a huge step toward having a healthy mind and a happy life.

Here’s how I do it…

I’m a woman with a “high” sex number and I’m okay with it

The very reason why I am hesitant in writing about the topic of my sex number is the very thing that I want to try and stop!

So, that is why I am going to share this with you because I want girls to be able to be comfortable in their own skin, regardless of their sexual choices…