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Our homes are made up of lots of working parts — bedrooms, redecorated kitchens, upgraded baths, ogle-worthy renos, ticks and tricks for cleaning and organizing, and real home tours all live here to represent the spaces of your Offbeat Home.

Use colored-coded rags to cut down on paper towels

It’s not very fancy, but when we ditched paper towels I just bought one of these big packs of microfiber towels.

What should we do with our large family crest?

Our friend welded us this brass knuckle family crest! Our family name is at the bottom. What should we do with it?! Our best idea so far is to put it in our berry garden and let the raspberries grow around and through it.

Monday Moment: A garden-y, banner-y, window moment

This beautifully lit bedroom moment was created with a box on a chair, supporting a pretty pink potted geranium in front of a window. The kicker — that tiny bunting draped across the window frame. This moment is so fresh and pretty that I want to go to there.

Super inexpensive alternative housing

My fiance and I are having a terrible time finding an apartment or other traditional living space here in New Jersey, and I am looking for inexpensive alternatives, but am not sure where to start. He is in the Army Reserves and neither of us make a lot, so we would like to save as much money as we can.

I spent several childhood years living in an RV, and it was an amazing experience, but there aren’t really any trailer parks in our area… does anyone have any thoughts on other extremely low-budget alternative housing options for us?

Use a cake-stand as a bathroom caddy

So, let’s say you were an Offbeat Bride. You procured or made an amazing cake or cupcake stand for your fabulous wedding. Now you’re an Offbeat Homie and you’re like, “Bitches, I have all this wedding decor — wtf can I do with all of it?”

Well, VOILA.

How to make the ultimate customizable standing desk

Are you at a desk for six hours or more a day? Have you been concerned by the research pointing to serious health effects of sitting all day, recently confirmed again? I work at the computer much of the day, have back trouble, and don’t get enough exercise as it is. So, inspired by reading Offbeat Home’s post on an easy DIY standing desk, I took to the info highway and assessed my existing materials to design a standing desk!

De-beigeifying our rental kitchen with no-damage DIY and lots of color

Just because your lease commands that your place remain “rental beige” doesn’t mean that you can’t make your home colorful, useful, and glittery. Yeah, I said glittery! Check out one Homie’s de-beigeifying work-arounds.

Check out George’s super hip preschooler’s bedroom — think floor bed, world map curtains, and lots of color!

We recently moved into a new home, and welcomed our second child. Making our son’s bedroom a comfortable, fun and safe free-for-all space was really important to me in a time when he was feeling displaced both literally and figuratively.