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Our homes are made up of lots of working parts — bedrooms, redecorated kitchens, upgraded baths, ogle-worthy renos, ticks and tricks for cleaning and organizing, and real home tours all live here to represent the spaces of your Offbeat Home.

A happy yellow, green, blue and teal nursery with DIY touches and hand-me-down toys

We wanted a bright and cheerful room for our child’s nursery, and it definitely needed to be fit for a boy or girl. Instead of building the room around a theme we built it around color, and as you’ll see there’s DEFINITELY a lot of it in there!

Zombie cross stitch kits!

And you thought cross stitch was for little old ladies, stitching BORING samplers and twee “kiss the cook” and “bless this house” patterns. Well, you were wrong. It’s called the Zombie cross-stitch kit, and Mich is showing you how it’s done.

Rainbowify your ugly old table with gift wrap

Check out my rainbow table — a DIY! My parents had some ugly old brown laminate-top table in the basement and said I could have it for the apartment. My mom had a great idea to cover it with some gift wrap she had leftover. We made it up as we went along and basically went with the principle that Mod Podge can do almost anything.

66 things you can grow in a container

Organic Gardens Network put together a primo list of four dozen things YOU! can grow in a container. Given that you’ve got enough light, you can probably grow much more than you’ve thought of!

My favorite surprises: tree fruit! Hops! Herbal tea! Melons! And even a loofah.

Zombie washcloths & 4 other ways I nerd out cleaning my house

Sure I could clean, but who wants to clean when you could be CRAFTING instead? Of course, if I never clean, I never get to do anything fun. To prevent the twitchy-eyed need-to-clean monster from taking over my crafting time, I developed these habits to trick my mind into thinking it’s not really cleaning.

How to make a large L-shaped couch take up less space in a room

My cousins recently moved from California to Texas. They say “everything’s bigger in Texas” but that wasn’t true for their living room. The large L-shaped sofa that fit perfectly in their last living room was taking up the ENTIRE living space. Luckily for them my interior decorator mother lives near by, and she came over to see what could be done about the situation, without having to buy a new couch.

Smudge your campfire with sage to keep bugs away

Sage-scented smoke from tossing some sticks of sage into a campfire or fire pit will turn off mosquitos and other insects from invading your camp space.