Category Archive

Decor & Decorating

Sometimes we need inspiration — or just escapism. Whatever you need these images are drool-worthy and these decorating tips are just what you need. Dive in!

How can I display my collection of anthropological souvenirs?

I’m an anthropologist. I have collected a bunch of ridiculous souvenirs that, at the time, seemed like a good idea to lug back home. Some of my challenges include a Masai spear and a delicately beaded belt.

A simple, turquoise dorm room fort

I dug up an old Craftster thread this week and found a dorm fort to share!

When WeRnotALONE’s roommate left town, she went to work on building herself a bed fort.

How to stop dilly dallying and start decorating: a support group for recovering nomads

While laying awake in bed one night, I realized why I find decorating my house SO FUCKING HARD: I haven’t stayed anywhere long enough to learn how. Since that revelation, I’ve been teaching myself how to decorate, and here are the three points I’ve figured out on how to decorate a home — for someone who’s had the nesting instinct beaten out of them by constant box shuffling.

9 ideas to bring fun and comfort back to the dorms

WHOO! SPRING SEMESTER! Time to party hard and go to class and study a lot and…trudge out of your last lab so tired you want to sleep forever…back home to your 10×10 cinderblock den with communal showers…and constant fire alarms. Okay, living in dormitories can get boring — even frustrating. I’m thinking back on those days and pulling out the cozy ways my roommate and I made our dorm a fun place to relax, even when schedules got tough: after she pulled another all-night at the hotel front desk or when I got done with my soul-crushing, puppy-killing job.

A sod-covered found-wood playhouse in a woody British backyard

Come along with me and experience the tale of the time J0_M0 decided to build his kids a log playhouse in the English countryside, using only found wood and purchasing only a bag of nails.

A pink room in Russia on January 1 and a hot pot of stewing bison meat in this week’s reader photos

Start your week with our collection of interesting articles on the web and photos from our readers. This week: a couple images of wild and foraged food and a link to detailed photos from inside a house based on Up! In these Clicky Links you’ll find lots of sites to waste a little time on.

Click through, too, to find our links on submitting YOUR stuff to Offbeat Home!

A slew of eccentric houses all over the world

Start your week with our collection of interesting articles on the web and photos from our readers. This week: lots of eccentric houses and a link to a yurt on AirBNB! In these Clicky Links you’ll find lots of sites to waste a little time on.

Click through, too, to find our links on submitting YOUR stuff to Offbeat Home!

What do we do with our pesky formal dining room we aren’t going to dine in?

We love the quirks about this home but are having trouble setting up a transitional space between the living room area and the kitchen.

It’s supposed to be a formal dining room but meh. We want to turn it into a sitting room/extra living space but aren’t sure how. We have an extra love seat in there so far and it just kind of looks awkward, like it needs something else.

How do we turn our pesky formal dining room into a bonus hangout space?