Category Archive


This is our category dedicated to eating, cooking, baking, and feeding.

You better love root veggies: What you should know about winter CSA shares

Since 2011, my husband and I have survived the harsh, long New England winters in part thanks to our winter Community Supported Agriculture share. Below are some tips and some of what I’ve learned over the past three winters of our participation…

How to prepare raw dog food at home

Before we continue, two things: One, I am not a veterinarian. This is simply what has worked for us and our pup. Two, we are about to talk about poop. LOTS OF POOP. If you’re eating a tasty burrito, maybe set it down ’til we’re done.

De-commercialized brunch, for non-jerks

I read David Shaftel’s headline in The New York Times, “Brunch Is for Jerks” and reacted with the expected outrage. You killjoy! Who hates brunch? As with so many things in life the problem isn’t with brunch itself but with the jerks who participate in it. Clickbait headline aside, Shaftel has a point…

Bloody beach hummus and shark fins

It’s time to celebrate another Shark Attackiversary! This year, along with throwing a party, we’re making this bloody, shark-themed snack, from the mind that brought you the pumpkin cake recipe.

Halloween recipe round-up: appetizers, snacks, and desserts

Let’s talk about Halloween FOOD! I found a few cool recipes around the internet — you’ve got your caramel toffee fruit dip, meringue ghosts, and candy corn cupcakes right here, but this list is HARDLY exhaustive. There’s a whole world of Halloween eating goodness out there! After you’ve read these and been inspired, leave your favorite recipes in the comments and share the spooktacular knowledge.

Chocolate chip pumpkin bread recipe for a slightly-addictive loaf of heavenly fall bliss

It’s Fall where I live, and I have three bags of frozen, homemade, pumpkin puree in my freezer. Obviously it was time to use it. I started digging through my recipe box and came upon this gem. Pumpkin AND chocolate? Count me in…

The most awesome chilli jam recipe

I make this every year for cheap-but-wonderful Christmas presents for family and friends. And I always make sure that there is enough made so that I can keep at least six jars for myself. This is brilliant on cheese sandwiches, in a chili, or to pep up some chicken wings.

Pre-emptive answers to your questions about my apparent wheat allergy

This post originally appeared on one of my best friends’ blogs which you should be following. I begged him to let us feature it here, as I’m sure a lot of Homies have the same experience.