I was at a small house party recently where the owners had the coolest freaking party accessory ever: a counter-top-height cooler on wheels. It was compact, it was brightly colored, it had a bottle opener built-in, and it was full of booze. It was beautiful, and I want one.
So now I’m on the hunt for a best outdoor party accessory ever. Grab a cold one and join me?
Like always, click on any of the items that pique your interest to learn more about ’em.
Do you have an awesome cooler for your patio that’ll make me jealous? I’d love to see it!
I’ve been begging my hubby to build me one of these for AGES!! We might get one soon!!
Wait, “build” you one!? You can build these? I need someone to do this and submit a tutorial! I wanna seeeeeee.
Something like this?
The first purple cooler is amazing. I wish I had somewhere I could put it in my home!
I love the collapsible one! That would be great for things like community soccer games and baseball games, where it’s a BYO-everything event.
I have a similar collapsible one and love it. We fill it with ice and put it next to the outdoor bar we set up. We have a 5 gallon cooling/heating water dispenser I make a non-pulp punch in and we plug it into the house.
As for coolers, I really like this one that raised 8+million bucks on Kickstater: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ryangrepper/coolest-cooler-21st-century-cooler-thats-actually
That is a thing that I didn’t know existed 2 minutes ago, and now my life is incomplete without one. WANT.
That’s exactly how I felt when I saw one at the party!