I actually own 2 pairs of these from knottybabywear and all though my baby isn’t crawling yet, I can attest to them being well made and adorable. They are leg warmers, but they are for more than just lookin’ cute. When your baby starts scooting around the house, they are great for keeping those soft little chubby knees clean and protected, as well as warm and cozy. When your kid wears a skirt, kilt, or dress, you need not add complicated tights to the diaper changing adventure — these give instant onesie access.
What I like best is that knottybaby’s leg warmers are unique — you won’t find these prints at major baby retail chains, or see them on every kid at Mommy-and-Me Yoga classes. There is something for everyone: holiday themes, skulls and plaid-with-skulls, polka dots, heck I even got a pair with flying bunnies holding crescent wrenches!
Best of all, free shipping, and quantity discounts! Made of WIN!
Tavi lives in his leg warmers. Who wants to deal with pants when changing diapers?!
Theyre great on baby arms too!
I've been ogling several pair of these for months now. I've been trying to hold off on bebe purchases at least until the showers are done….but I caved. My husband won't mind either, because I got one pair in his college team colors 😉
My little guy wiggles too much during diaper changes for his, they never stay clean!
have you tried pushing them down to the ankles? I know what you mean, sometimes I find poo on my baby's socks!
I love babylegs too! They are fabulous gifts and the parents always love them. I was first introduced to them by a friend, but now I see them sold on BabySteals sometimes, which is the best, because you can't beat the price! Definitely a good reason to have some of that baby gift money handy for when you see something cool and just have to have it 🙂
I bought several pairs for my daughter and I love them! They stayed on when she began to crawl and now they're great while she walks. I think the best part is that they look like tights now instead of legwarmers but I don't have to wrestle them off her when I need to change the diaper.
These are so cute. My son is on the cusp of crawling, so I got him a few. Discount packs are the best!