Whoa: we had a surprise twin double-breech roadside vaginal birth after Cesarean
I was measuring consistently ahead in fundal height early on and just before the mid-point of my pregnancy my midwife referred me to an obstetrician to have an ultrasound (we’d not planned on having any) to rule out twins, fibroids, excess amniotic fluid, or any other complications. At the ultrasound, we were told there was one baby, no fibroids, and no excess fluid — the doctor said I simply had “a large uterus.” So we went with that as confirmation.
A timeline of a nearly 40-hour preterm Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean
My water breaks while we’re discussing what to cook for dinner (roasted chicken and potatoes!). I call the midwife on-call and tell her what happened and she is pretty convinced that my water did actually break. She tells me to come on in to labor and delivery where they can evaluate me to see if I can hold baby in a little longer or if this is a true water break.
Proving you can do it: a successful vaginal birth after c-section
Elizabeth and her son pulled off a successful VBAC and experienced birth the way she always wanted to.
How to pull off a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) like a pro
My older sister, who also had a VBAC, had told me that “it hurts and then it’s over.” I was skeptical at the time but it’s true! It hurts, and then it’s over! And you have a baby in your arms to show for it!